
List full attribute information for a document

To display attribute information for the first document in a job with a local ID of 13, enter the command:

pdls -c document -r all 13.1

List minimum information for a document

To find the minimum information (document number, format, and file name) about the second document in a job with a local ID of 13, enter the command:

pdls -c document 13.2

Query the status of a logical destination and it associated actual destinations

To query the status of a logical destination named LD201 and its associated actual destinations enter either of these commands:

pdls -c dest -A                     -r enabled,dest-state LD201

InfoPrint displays information similar to:

LD201:  enabled                 = true
ip1352: enabled                 = false
ip1352: destination-state       = needs-key-operator
np17pp: enabled                 = false
np17pp: destination-state       = needs-attention
1120psf: enabled                = false
1120psf: destination-state      = needs-key-operator
1145: enabled                   = true
1145: destination-state         = idle

List selected attributes for a queue

To list the values of the brief attributes and the backlogged attribute for the queue Charlie-q, enter the command:

pdls -c queue -r "brief backlogged" Charlie-q
InfoPrint displays information similar to:
Charlie-q:  queue-name        = Charlie-q
Charlie-q:  queue-state       = ready
Charlie-q:  associated-server = Charlie
Charlie-q:  backlogged        = false

List document formats supported by destinations

To display the document formats supported by the logical and actual destinations in Serv1, enter the command:

pdls -c destination -r document-formats-supported -s line Serv1:
InfoPrint displays information similar to:
Serv1-lp:  document-formats-supported =
Serv1-pp:  document-formats-supported = ascii
Srv1-pp2:  document-formats-supported = ascii

List the retention-period defaulted by a logical destination and the name of the intial-value-job being used

To list the retention-period defaulted by a logical destination and the name of the initial value job being used, enter the command:

pdls -c destination -r retention-period,
InfoPrint displays information similar to:


Filter destinations by attribute

To determine the logical destinations and actual destinations that support the selected attributes on any server, enter the command:

pdls -c destination -f "content-orientation-supported==landscape &&
   plexes-supported==tumble && sides-supported==2"
   -r "destination-realization associated-queue" \*:

Note: With AIX or Linux, including the backslash before the global character prevents the Korn shell from interpreting the * as a filename wildcard. InfoPrint displays information similar to:
Serv3-lp:  destination-realization = logical
Serv3-lp:  associated-queue        = Serv3-q
Serv4-lp:  destination-realization = logical
Serv4-lp:  associated-queue        = Serv4-q
Serv3-pp:  destination-realization = actual
Serv3-pp:  associated-queue        = Serv3-q
Serv4-pp:  destination-realization = actual
Serv4-pp:  associated-queue        = Serv4-q

Filter jobs by attribute

To list all jobs that have requested more than one copy and that InfoPrint has assigned to actual destination mysrv-pp, enter the command:

pdls -U -f "copy-count>1 && destination-assigned==mysrv-pp" "*:"

Note: With AIX or Linux, placing the quotation marks before the global character and after the colon prevents the Korn or Bash shell from interpreting the * as a filename wildcard.

Filter jobs by user name (include a user)

To list all jobs owned by the user named Smith, enter this command:

pdls -f "job-owner==Smith" -U Serv1:

Filter jobs by user name (exclude a user)

To list all jobs not owned by the user named Smith, enter the command:

pdls -f "!(job-owner==Smith)" -U Serv1:

Filter jobs by user name (substring) InfoPrint Manager for AIX or Linux

To list jobs owned by users with a given substring in their names (substring matching) use one of these filters with the pdls command:

  • Initial string match:
    pdls -U -f "job-owner=*Jones" Serv1:
  • Any substring match:
    pdls -U -f "job-owner*=*one" Serv1:
  • Final string match:
    pdls -U -f "job-owner*=nes" Serv1:
All of these commands return jobs owned by Jones.

Note: These examples use the Korn shell.

Filter jobs by user name (approximate match) InfoPrint Manager for AIX or Linux

To list jobs owned by all users with a name close to Jones (an approximate match), enter the command:

pdls -U -f "job-owner~=jones" Serv1:

Note: This example uses the Korn shell.

Display the server associated with a destination

To query for the name of the server containing logical destination draft-lp, enter the command:

pdls -c destination -r associated-server draft-lp
InfoPrint displays information similar to:
draft-lp:  associated-server=Serv1

List the attributes specified in a default document

To query for the attributes specified in the default document spl7ivd contained in Serv7, enter the command:

pdls -c initial-value-document -r all Serv7:spl7ivd
InfoPrint displays information similar to:
spl7ivd:  carriage-control-type             =
spl7ivd:  chars                             =
spl7ivd:  content-orientation               =
spl7ivd:  initial-value-document-identifier = spl7ivd
spl7ivd:  associated-server                 = Serv7
spl7ivd:  logical-destination-ready         = Serv7-lp
spl7ivd:  copy-count                        = 2
spl7ivd:  sides                             = 2
spl7ivd:  document-format                   = line-data

Note: The list that InfoPrint returns contains all possible attributes for a default document (those without values and those with values).

List all job attributes

To list all attributes of jobs 10 and 12, enter the command:

pdls -r all 10 12

List brief job attributes

To list just the brief job attributes of jobs 10 and 12, enter the command:

pdls -j 10 12

Display status of all jobs

To list the status of all jobs you have submitted to the default logical destination, Dserv-lp, enter the command:

pdls -f "destination-name-requested==Dserv-lp" Serv1:

InfoPrint displays information similar to:

                                Current    Intervening Destination Destinations
Job ID              Name        State      Jobs        Requested   Assigned
--- --------------- ----------  ---------  ----------- ----------- --------
4   SplX:1099222204 Wkly-report processing 0           Dserv-lp    Dserv-pp
5   SplX:1114222205 Test-report processing 0           Dserv-lp    Laser-pp
6   SplX:1224222206 Trip-report pending    2           Dserv-lp
1   SplX:0988222201 Dept-memo12 retained               Dserv-lp

Display status of all pending jobs

To list the job status of all pending jobs submitted to the default logical destination, Dserv-lp, enter the command:

pdls -f "destination-name-requested==Dserv-lp &&
   current-job-state==pending" Serv1:

InfoPrint displays information similar to:

                                Current   Intervening Destination Destinations
Job ID              Name        State     Jobs        Requested   Assigned
--- --------------- ----------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------------
6   SplX:1224222206 Trip-report pending   2           Dserv-lp

List the brief attributes of a logical destination

To list the brief attributes of logical destination Dserv-lp, enter the command:

pdls -c destination Dserv-lp

InfoPrint displays information similar to:

Destination  Realization  Enabled  Queue
-----------  -----------  -------  -----
Dserv-lp     logical      true     Dserv-q
With AIX or Linux, if you do not specify a destination name, InfoPrint displays the brief attributes of all the destinations that share the same server with your default logical destination (as defined by your PDPRINTER environment variable).

List document formats supported by a destination

To list the document formats supported by the actual destination srv37-pp in the line style with headings, which is the default style for an attribute list, enter the command:

pdls -c destination -r document-formats-supported srv37-pp
InfoPrint displays information similar to:
srv37-pp: document-formats-supported =  modca-p

Create an archive file

To create an archive file for a server and store it in a file, enter the command:

pdls -c server -r archive Serv1 > Serv1.archive

Query device input trays

To query the device input trays of the device associated with the prt5-ad actual destination, enter:

pdls  -c destination -r device-input-trays prt5-ad

InfoPrint displays information similar to this:prt5-ad: device-input-trays=

{capacity=250 level=250 medium={name="na-letter-white"} 
   empty=false name="Tray 1"} 
{capacity=550 level=550 medium={source="Tray 2"} unit=sheet 
   empty=false name="Tray 2"}
{capacity=1 medium={dimensions=(11.0in,8.5in)} unit=sheet 
   empty=false name="Letter"} 

Query device marker supplies, device state, and device location

To query the device marker supplies, device state, and device location for the device associated with the prt5-ad actual destination, enter:

pdls -c destination 
   -r device-marker-supplies,device-state,device-location  prt5-ad  

InfoPrint displays information similar to this:

prt5-ad: device-marker-supplies ="" 
prt5-ad: device-state=idle 
prt5-ad: device-location=""  

Query the device-serial-number for all devices paused on Server monolith

To query the device-serial-number for all the devices associated with all the actual destinations that are paused on Server monolith, enter:

pdls -c destination -r device-serial-number -f"dest-state==paused && 
   dest-realization==actual" monolith: 

Where prt5-ad is the only actual destination paused, InfoPrint displays information similar to this:

prt5-ad: device-serial-number0000000000000000

Query the device contact and device location

To query the device contact and the device location, enter

pdls -cp -r device-contact, device-location ip21 

Which results in:

ip21: device-contact = laboperator
ip21: device-location = swtlab

Check server attributes

To check serverr attributes, enter

pdls -cp -r snmp-active,user-snmp,snmp-device-conditions
            device-state,probelm-message, warning-message ip21 

Which results in:

ip21: snmp-active = true
ip21: use-snmp = true
ip21: snmp-device-conditions = input-tray-empty
ip21: device-state = stopped
ip21: problem-message = 
ip21: warning-message = "5010-837 Printer ip21 is offline."

Check printer attributes

To check printer attributes, enter

pdls -cp -r snmp-active,user-snmp,snmp-device-conditions
            device-state,probelm-message, warning-message ip21 

Which results in:

ip21: snmp-active = true
ip21: use-snmp = true
ip21: snmp-device-conditions = input-tray-empty
ip21: device-state = idle
ip21: problem-message = 
ip21: warning-message = "5010-829 Printer ip21 is running 
                  but is low on paper."

Query to see if the panel is locked

To query to see if the operator panel is locked, enter

pdls -cp -4 device-op-panel-locked ip21

Which results in:

ip21: device-op-panel-locked = true

Archive a job

To archive a job, enter

pdls -c job -r archive ServerName:JobGlobalID > job.archive