
When the batching method is List, the hot folder or SFTP input device submits one or more files as a group, based on the contents of a list file that is received by the input device.

The hot folder or SFTP input device looks for a text-based list file containing a list of all the files that make up the job. When the hot folder or SFTP input device finds a list file, it reads the list and looks for all the files; as soon as it finds all the files, it submits them as a single job. The files print in the order specified in the list file.

The list file must meet these criteria:

  • The file name must match the pattern specified in the List patterns property. The default pattern matches files that have the extension .lst.
  • Each file in the print job must be on a separate line in the list file.
  • The file names listed in the list file must include only file names, not path information; all files must be in the same directory.
The contents of the list file might look like this:

When you use the List batching method, set these input device properties as indicated:

  • Workflow: ParentNoPrint
  • Child workflow: The workflow that is appropriate for the print files in the job.
  • Submit step: SubmitInputFiles
  • Create .zip file: If this property is set to Yes, all input files that match the value set in the Data patterns property are combined as a ZIP file and submitted as a single job. If this value is set to No, all input files are submitted as child jobs.
  • List patterns: A pattern that matches some part of the file name of your list files.

    By default, this value is the regular expression .*lst$.

  • Data patterns: A pattern that matches some part of the file name of your print files. For hot folder or SFTP input devices, the default value is the regular expression: .*$. That pattern matches all file names.

    If a print file is listed in the list file, but the file name does not match the Data patterns value, the input device does not identify the file as a print file. Because a listed print file appears to be missing, the input device waits for it and does not create the job.

  • Overrides patterns: if you use overrides files, a pattern that matches some part of the file name of your overrides files.