Slingshot costs are incorrect

If Slingshot costs and milestones based on information received from RICOH ProcessDirector are incorrect, the Slingshot cost center and Slingshot Milestone status properties might not be set up correctly.

Check these items:

  • In the workflow, make sure the Slingshot cost center and Slingshot Milestone status properties are correctly set on the steps.

    • Make sure the correct cost center is associated with the Slingshot cost center property.

    • Make sure that a job goes through one step with a Slingshot milestone status property value of Complete for each Slingshot cost center that you want to report information to.

    • The first step that reports information to a Slingshot cost center should have a Slingshot milestone status property value of In progress. The last step that reports information to a cost center should have a value of Complete. If only one step reports information to a cost center, the step should have a value of Complete.

  • Make sure the cost centers are correctly defined in the Avanti Slingshot configuration file (avanti.cfg). The cost centers in the configuration file must match the External Device IDs defined for cost centers in Avanti Slingshot. The cost center values are case-sensitive.
  • If you are sending job information to Slingshot from a RICOH ProcessDirector printer, make sure the printer has the appropriate cost center selected for the Slingshot cost center property.