Database property names for document properties supplied with document processing features

Some messages about documents refer to document properties by their database names, which begin with Doc.

Document properties

Database name User interface name Description
Doc.Associated Associated The job ID that currently gives the status of the job.
Doc.ChildJobID Child job ID The job ID of the job that added the document.
Doc.CurrentFirstPage Current first page The page number of the first page of the document in the current print file.
Doc.CurrentJobID Associated job number The associated job number.
Doc.CurrentPages Current pages The number of pages for the document in the current job.
Doc.CurrentSequence Sequence in job The sequence of the document in the current job.
Doc.CurrentSheets Current Sheets The number of sheets for the document in the current job.
Doc.Custom.MemberLevel Member Level The customer’s level of membership at the time the statement was created.
Doc.Custom.PURL PURL A personalized URL linking to the location where the customer can retrieve the statement.
Doc.Custom.StatementDate Statement Date The date of when the statement was first issued.
Doc.DataLen Data length The length of the document in bytes in the original file.
Doc.DataOffset Data offset The offset of the document in bytes from the start of the original file.
Doc.Email.Sent This property does not appear in the user interface. Specifies whether an email with an attached document has been created and delivered to the SMTP server by the EmailDocuments step in a workflow. Values are Yes or No. Yes indicates that the document was delivered to the SMTP server. No indicates that the document was not delivered. If the EmailDocuments step is run twice on the same document, the value of this property is set to the result of the last step that was run.
Doc.EmailAddress Email address The email address associated with the document.
Doc.FinderSavedSearches Saved Searches Lets you select from the searches you previously saved to start a new search.
Doc.ID Document number A unique identifier for a document in the document database; defined automatically when WriteDocumentsToDatabase runs.
Doc.Insert.Disposition Action Shows the action that the system takes when it processes this document after reconciliation.
Doc.Insert.PendingDisposition Requested action Shows the action that the operator has requested during reconciliation.
Doc.Insert.Sequence Insert sequence Shows the position of the document in the job.
Doc.OriginalFirstPage Original first page The page number of the first page of the document in the original job.
Doc.OriginalJobID Original job number The number of the job that received the document into the system.
Doc.OriginalPages Original pages The number of pages in the document in the original job.
Doc.OriginalSequence Sequence in original job The relative position of this document in the original job. For example, the first document in the job displays a value of 1, and the second document in the job displays a value of 2.
Doc.OriginalSheets Sheets The number of sheets for the document in the original job.
Doc.Pull Pull document Can be used with the SetDocPropsFromList step template to indicate that a document should be removed from a job. The PullPDFSample and PullAFPSample supplied workflows use this property.
Doc.PullProp Pull property Can be used with the SetDocPropsFromList step template to identify which document property determines the documents to be removed from a job. The PullPDFSample and PullAFPSample supplied workflows use this property.
Doc.SequenceInChild Sequence in child job The sequence of the document in the child job.
Doc.SourceFileName All document processing features The name of the input file that contained the document.
Doc.State State The state of the document.