
A step based on this step template maps document properties that you select from an external results file to the document properties included in a modified results file. The external results file is produced by an external program. The modified results file is formatted to contain the document properties from the external results file that must be placed in the document properties file. The modified results file is the input to a step based on the UpdateDocPropsFromExternalResultsFile step template, which applies the changes to the document properties file.

Job property defaults

  • External results file: ${getFileName(data,csv,read)}
  • File type: CSV
  • Modified results file: ${getFileName(data,opf,write)}
  • External results contain column headings: Yes
  • Columns to keep:
  • Selected document properties: Document number

Usage notes

  • The order of the column headings in the Columns to keep property must match the order of the document properties in the Selected document properties list, and the number of document properties in each list must match. If the order of the document properties do not match, you get unexpected results during job processing. If the number of the document properties do not match, the job goes into error state.
  • If the external results file does not contain column headings, you must manually delete the columns that you do not want.