Workflow to print jobs created in the Documents table

To print jobs that you create from documents in the Documents table, define a workflow that contains steps to create a job from the document, print the job, and do any other processing steps required. You select the workflow in the Workflow field on the Create a Job page when you use the Create Job action.
  • Documents from different jobs cannot be combined to create a single new job. If you choose documents from three different jobs and use the Create Job action, three new jobs are created.

Workflows that process jobs created in the documents table must contain certain step templates. Some of those step templates are included with the base product and others are installed with document processing features. Instead of defining a new workflow, you can use one of the supplied workflows that are installed by the document processing features, such as PrintInsert_1, PrintDocuments, and SortPDF. Compare the steps included in those workflows to the required steps below. Add and change steps as needed to make sure that the workflow contains the required steps and the steps needed to process your jobs.

The steps that must be included in a workflow that processes jobs created from documents in the documents table are:

  • SetJobPropsFromTextFile

    Sets job properties using a text file that accompanies the input file. The value of the Input datastream property must be set correctly on this step, so that it matches the data stream of the documents in the job.

    In the Job name property, type text such as Reprint Job or ${Job.ID} to set the job name equal to the job number. Do not type ${Job.InputFile} to set the job name equal to the name of the input file, because no input file exists for jobs created from the documents table.

  • BuildAFPFromDocuments (Required only for AFP jobs processed by RICOH ProcessDirector.)

    Builds a job from documents. If you use the Enhance AFP function to create a control file, this step uses that control file to modify the documents.

  • BuildPDFFromDocuments (Required only for PDF jobs.)

    Builds a job from documents. If you use RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat to create a control file, this step uses that control file to modify the documents.

  • EnableRepositioning (Required only for AFP jobs processed by RICOH ProcessDirector.)

    Maps logical pages to physical sheets.

  • CreatePageRanges

    Prepares the job so that parts of it can be reprinted instead of reprinting the entire job.

  • PrintJobs

    Sends the job to the printer.

  • RemoveJobs

    Removes the job from the system.

You can add other steps to the workflow as needed, including steps provided by the document processing features, such as:

  • CreateReprints
  • InsertJobs
  • ReadBarcodeData
  • Reconcile
  • SortDocuments