itm_driver command syntax

itm_driver is a command-line application that you can use to send jobs with their properties to a Ricoh transform server.


itm_driver-Sserver_address-Pport_number-F-itm_in_filesfilename1 [,filename2,...]-itm_out_filesfilename3 [,filename4,...]-stransform_ID [-tfilename] [-rnumber] [-Llocale] [-Eencoding] [-Cfilename]


-S server_address
The Ricoh transform server IP address or host name.
-P port_number
The Ricoh transform server port number.
-F “-itm_in_files filename -itm_out_files filename
An input and output file for the transform. Include the full path to each file. Enclose the value after the flag in double quotation marks. You can include other options inside the quotation marks as well. Those options vary based on the transform that you use.
-s [transform_ID]
The ID of the transform to use, based on the type of input file submitted. Valid values are:
Converts JPEG, GIF, and TIFF image files to AFP.
Converts DSC-compliant PostScript to AFP.
Converts Encapsulated PostScript to AFP.
Converts PostScript to AFP.
Converts PDF to AFP using the CPSI transform.
Converts PDF to AFP using the Monza transform.
Converts PCL to AFP.
Converts AFP to PDF.
Converts SAP output to AFP.
The Transform Feature detects the type of input file submitted and chooses the correct transform.
-t filename
Enables tracing for the Ricoh transform driver. The value of filename is the path to a log file that the driver writes trace information into. The path can be absolute or relative. This flag is optional.
-r n
Tells the Ricoh transform to report status after it transforms the specified number of pages. The value of n is the number of pages transformed. After the specified number of pages has been transformed, a message is written to stdout. This flag is optional.
-L locale
The language for messages from the Transform Feature. This flag is optional. Valid values for locale are:
Brazilian Portuguese
-E encoding
The encoding for messages from the Transform Feature. This flag is optional. The only valid value for encoding is utf8.
-C filename
The path to a control file that specifies options for this command. The control can be used instead of the command flags. If you specify a control file, the values in the control file override any corresponding values specifies on the command. This flag is optional.


This command sends a job to the local Transform server (localhost) on port 6986. D:\afp\chateau.afp is the input file and D:\out.pdf is the output file. The transform ID 9000 instructs the Transform program to choose the correct transform based on the type of input file.

itm_driver-S localhost-P 6986-F "-itm_in_files D:\afp\chateau.afp -itm_out_files D:\out.pdf" -s 9000

Control file syntax

If you choose store transform option in a control file and use the -C flag, use these attribute/value pairs in the control file.

Enter each item on a separate line.

server = server_address
Ricoh transform server IP address or host name. Corresponds to the -S flag.
port = port_number
Ricoh transform server port number. Corresponds to the -P flag.
The list of input and output files. Corresponds to the -F flag. The value must be written in this format:
trans_flags = {
	-itm_in_files = filename1
	-itm_out_files = filename2
transform_id = transform_ID
IThe transform ID. Corresponds to the -s flag. Refer to the previous list for valid values.
trace = filename
Enables tracing for the Ricoh transform driver program. Corresponds to the –t flag. This item is optional.
page_report = n
Tells the Ricoh transform to report status after it transforms the specified number of pages. The value of n is the number of pages transformed. After the specified number of pages has been transformed, a message is written to stdout. This flag is optional.
cat_dir = path
Specifies the path for the message catalog. This item is optional.


This command uses a control file to complete the same action as the previous example. The command uses a control file to send a job to the local Transform server (localhost) on port 6986. D:\afp\chateau.afp is the input file and D:\out.pdf is the output file. The transform ID 9000 instructs the Transform driver program to choose the correct transform based on the type of input file.

itm_driver -C D:\cfile.ctl

The contents of cfile.ctl are:

server = localhost
port = 6986
transform_id = 9000
trans_flags = {
-itm_in_files = D:\afp\chateau.afp
-itm_out_files = D:\out.pdf