A step that is based on this step template builds a single AFP file from the contents of a ZIP file.

Job property defaults

  • Banner page form definition:
  • Header page configuration file:
  • Include header pages: Yes
  • Include trailer pages: No
  • Trailer page configuration file:
  • External command:

Usage notes

  • A step that is based on this step template can be used only for AFP files packaged in ZIP files.
  • An AFP job that is not inside a ZIP file can also be processed by the step.
  • The original AFP files are added to the final AFP file based on the order that of the AFP files were added to the ZIP file or the order that they appear inside the list file. For example, if you submit a ZIP file that you created, the order of the final AFP file reflects the order in which you added AFP files to the ZIP file. If you use the List batching method and set the Create ZIP file property to Yes, the order of the final AFP file reflects the order that the AFP files are listed in within the list file. If you use any batching method other than List and set the Create ZIP file property to Yes, the order of the final AFP file is based on the timestamp of the individual AFP files in the ZIP file.
  • The header and trailer page properties insert those pages between the individual AFP files when they are printed as a large AFP file. Banner page support is not available on RICOH ProcessDirector for Windows.
  • In the External command property, the program you provide must always expect the AFP file as the last argument. For example, to pass the job number to the program named myscript , enter /aiw/aiw1/bin/myscript ${Job.ID} for the External command property. When the step executes for job 10000045, the command is resolved to /aiw/aiw1/bin/myscript10000045/aiw/aiw1/spool/default/10000045/eachAFPfileinthezip.afp