Media and finishing

You can specify media and finishing options for your sample PDF file and apply them as page exceptions to the job-level media and finishing options specified for RICOH ProcessDirector jobs.

You can apply media and finishing options to a range of pages or to the documents (page groups) within a PDF file. When applying media and finishing options to documents, you can use pre-defined rules or custom rules. For example, you can use a pre-defined rule to print the first page of each document on blue paper. You can define a custom rule so that each page with the words Premier Member in the upper right corner prints on gold paper.

Media and finishing options that you specify with RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat override the options that RICOH ProcessDirector specifies for jobs.

  • RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat supports RICOH ProcessDirector media with electronic forms. The Show electronic forms preference determines whether Preview shows how sample files look when the data is combined with electronic forms defined for the media that the files use.

You can preview the PDF file as you add media and finishing options to verify that they have been applied to the intended pages.

Your media and finishing definitions are saved in the RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat control file. RICOH ProcessDirector uses the control file to apply the definitions to print jobs automatically.