© 2014, 2015 Ricoh Company, Ltd.  All rights reserved.


The Programs listed below are licensed under the following terms and conditions in addition to those of the applicable license agreement.  This document is part of the Documentation and Confirmation of Permitted Usage under the Ricoh Software License Agreement.

Program Name: RICOH ProcessDirector

Program Number: 5765-H30

Authorization for Use on Home/Portable Computer: You may not copy and use this Program on another computer without paying additional license fees.

Limited Use Rights for Other Ricoh Programs

If You acquired this Program as part of another Ricoh Program ("Principal Program that lists this Program under "Other Ricoh Programs," You received this Program only in support of the Principal Program and Your rights to use this Program will be limited by the license of the Principal Program. Please contact Your Sales Representative if You wish to acquire a separate license to this Program not limited by the Principal Program's license terms.

Third Party Programs

This Program contains third party components and programs (“Third Party Programs”). Future updates to the Program may also contain Third Party Programs. The Third Party Programs are identified in the Program “readme” or “NOTICES” file(s) or other documentation accompanying the Program or update to the Program. Your use of Third Party Programs is subject to the terms of the Ricoh Software License Agreement unless specific license terms related to the Third Party Program are provided in the Product “readme” or “NOTICES” file(s) or other documentation accompanying the Program or update to the Program. If specific license terms are provided, your use of the Third Party Programs for which such terms are included is subject to their respective license agreements, and by using the Program, you are also accepting those additional terms and conditions. Only when expressly required by the license terms of a Third Party Program, Ricoh waives the prohibition in the General Terms against reverse engineering or decompiling, but only as to such Third Party Program and not as to the Ricoh Program itself.


Notwithstanding anything in the General Terms or this document to the contrary:

1.     Ricoh and the third party suppliers of such Third Party Programs ("Suppliers") provide them without warranties of any kind;

2.     Ricoh and such Suppliers disclaim any and all express and implied warranties and conditions including, but not limited to, the warranty of title, non-infringement or interference and the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the Third Party Programs;

3.     in no event are Ricoh or the Suppliers liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, including but not limited to lost data, lost savings, and lost profits, with respect to the Third Party Programs; and,

4.     Ricoh and the Suppliers are not liable to You, and will not defend, indemnify, or hold You harmless for any claims arising from or related to the Third Party Programs.


Specified Operating Environment

The Program's specifications and specified operating environment information may be found in documentation accompanying the Program, if available, such as a read-me file, or other information published by Ricoh, such as an announcement letter. You agree that such documentation and other Program content may be supplied only in the English language.

Production and Non-Production License Terms



A production environment is an installation that is available for final products to be created on the system. Production environments drive printers and/or are doing productive work in the creation and management of data for end user consumption. Licensed usage is limited to loading on a single  server and for the functionality allowed by the Program feature(s) acquired.




A non-production environment is an installation that is available when the primary production environment fails, such as a disaster recovery environment. Ricoh provides a restricted license which covers the following categories of backup/failover/recovery installation:


·        Backup

In this environment, the Program is installed on a backup server but is not running, and customers are NOT required to purchase additional restricted or production licenses.

·        Standby

In this environment, a copy of the Program is maintained on a separate server at all times. These systems are configured for disaster recovery purposes. If the primary instance of the Program fails, the standby instance is activated to act as the new primary instance, and customers are NOT required to purchase additional restricted or production licenses.

·        Failover

In this environment, the Program is configured in a cluster and one instance of the Program acts as the primary instance. If the primary instance fails, one of the other instances in the cluster acts as the primary instance. Customers are required to purchase a production license for the primary instance and a restricted license for each secondary instance that is installed and running. Usage for such restricted license is limited to a single secondary instance.

·        Development

In this environment, the Program is installed and running, but it is used to develop other applications, customizations, and processes that interact with it; no final products are created on the system. Any person doing development work using the software must be licensed. Customers are required to purchase a restricted license and usage is limited to non-production development work on a single server.

·        Test/Staging

In this environment, the Program is installed and running and is used by customers and/or Ricoh representatives to verify that new or customized code runs properly. This can be staged on separate servers or on the same servers used to run a development or production environment. Customers are required to purchase a restricted license and usage is limited to testing/staging work on a single server. However, if the testing/staging is performed on the same server hardware that is used for a production or development environment, and the appropriate license has already been purchased, no additional licenses are required for the test/staging environment.


The above RESTRICTED LICENSE FOR NON-PRODUCTION USE terms apply to the following features and their associated maintenance when they are purchased and installed with the Program.


Item number

Restricted Use AFP


Restricted Use AFP Editor


Restricted Use AIX Base


Restricted Use Archive


Restricted Use Automated Verification


Restricted Use Avanti Slingshot Connect


Restricted Use Base License


Restricted Use Command Center


Restricted Use Cut Sheet Support for Kodak


Restricted Use Cut Sheet Support for Xerox


Restricted Use Deadline Tracker Feature


Restricted Use Designer


Restricted Use Electronic Presentment Feature


Restricted Use Ink Estimation


Restricted Use InputAFP Advanced Transform


Restricted Use InputPCL Advanced Transform


Restricted Use InputPDF Advanced Transform


Restricted Use InputPS Advanced Transform


Restricted Use Inserter


Restricted Use IP AFP2PDF


Restricted Use IP PCL2AFP


Restricted Use IP PS/PDF2AFP


Restricted Use IP SAP2AFP


Restricted Use Linux Base


Restricted Use OutputAFP Advanced Transform


Restricted Use OutputPCL Advanced Transform


Restricted Use OutputPDF Advanced Transform


Restricted Use OutputPS Advanced Transform


Restricted Use PitStopConnect


Restricted Use Postal Enablement


Restricted Use Preference Management


Restricted Use Reports


Restricted Use Secondary Server Support


Restricted Use Ultimate Impostrip Connect


Restricted Use Whitespace Manager


Restricted Use Windows Base


Restricted Use WPM


Restricted Use Cross-Platform Upgrade ProcessDirector for Windows


Restricted Use Cross-Platform Upgrade ProcessDirector for Linux


Restricted Use Cross-Platform Upgrade ProcessDirector for AIX



Unless Restricted License for Non-production Use features and associated terms apply, the Program and all other features are licensed under the above STANDARD LICENSE FOR PRODUCTION USE.


Program Unique Terms


Ricoh is a registered trademark of Ricoh Co., Ltd., in Japan, the United States, and other countries, and is used under license from the trademark owner. Ricoh and Ricoh ProcessDirector are not affiliated with NEC Corporation.