Creating Nested Filters

Nested filters are advanced filters that can be added to an analysis. A nested filter filters a field using a subset of data defined by another field.
To create a nested filter:
  1. On the Analyses dialog, choose the analysis that you want to add a nested filter to.
  2. Create a new filter on the text field that you want to filter on. For more information about creating filters, see Creating Analysis Filters.
  3. Locate the new filter in the Filters pane. Choose the ellipsis (three dots) next to the new filter, and then choose Edit filter.
    You can also choose the filter entity in the Filters pane to open the Edit filter pane.
  4. Open the Filter type dropdown menu, navigate to the Avanced filter section, and then choose Nested filter.
  5. For Qualifying condition, choose Include or Exclude.
    The qualifying condition allows you to run a not in the set query on the data in your analysis.
  6. For Nested field, choose the text field that you want to filter data with.
    The nested field cannot be the same as the primary field selected in step 2.
    Category fields are the only supported field type for the inner filter.
  7. For Nested filter type, choose the filter type that you want.