Command Nesting Rules
- SUPPRESSION commands must be specified immediately after FORMDEF commands.
- SUBGROUP commands are specified under their associated COPYGROUP command or under the FORMDEF command.
- OVERLAY commands are specified immediately after COPYGROUP commands.
- The first COPYGROUP command can be omitted in a form definition if the form definition has only one copy group, and if it contains no OVERLAY commands.
- A SETUNITS command can be placed anywhere in the PPFA command stream and is in effect until another SETUNITS command is encountered.
- More than one of each command can appear under one form definition.
- If an OVERLAY occurs outside of a COPYGROUP (immediately after the FORMDEF), PPFA generates a COPYGROUP with the FORMDEF name. This becomes the first COPYGROUP and may not be the desired effect. If this occurs, PPFA issues a warning message .