Additional N_UP Considerations

N_UP can affect the scope of other PPFA commands that operate on a page or a medium.

The COPIES subcommand in the SUBGROUP of the form definition operates on the physical medium. When you specify five copies using N_UP 2, you get five sheets of the N_UP 2 data.
The SUPPRESSION subcommand in the SUBGROUP of the form definition operates on the physical medium. The suppression names in the SUBGROUP operate on all N_UP pages on the sheet.
You can specify an OVERLAY subcommand in multiple places in the form definition and can also specify an overlay in the page definition. The result is either a page overlay or a medium overlay. See Medium Overlays and Page Overlays for a description of the differences between these commands and the uses of these overlays.
You use the PRESENT and DIRECTION subcommands of the form definition with the N_UP subcommand to determine partition arrangement. These commands, which are described in this update guide, now affect all N_UP printers, including cut-sheet printers.
You can use the CONDITION command of the page definition with N_UP just as you use it with non N_UP jobs. However, the NEWSIDE and NEWFORM parameters may operate differently than you expect. NEWSIDE, which is equivalent to invoking a new page format, ejects to the next partition, which may not be on a new side of an N_UP sheet. NEWFORM, which is equivalent to invoking a new copy group, ejects to a new sheet with basic N_UP. The effect with enhanced N_UP depends on the coding of the INVOKE subcommand.