Code Example

In the following example, there are three defined CMR names.

  • Local name bm1 is defined with a 73-character name in single quotes and no text type. The name will be translated into UTF-16BE. The example shows the name being split over 3 PPFA source lines which may be necessary because of source input record length. The character string can be copied-and-pasted from the AFP Resource installer. See the section titled How to Copy and Paste a Name from the AFP Resource Installer.
  • Local name jm4 is specified with X16 data type. This means that the name will be entered in UTF-16BE hexadecimal digits.
  • Local name gen1dark is a generic CMR. This is one of the registered generic CMRs. It is entered within single quotes which basically says it is coded with characters and will be translated to UTF-16BE.

CMR "bm1" is defined for the entire print file. It will be used to render color for all color resources in the print file unless overridden by a CMR with a more restricted scope. Below COPYGROUPcg1 uses CMR bm1 because it inherits from the form definition. Copygroup cg2 will use CMR jm4 and copygroup cg3 will use CMR gen1dark to render color resources for the groups of pages they control.


  FORMDEF cmrX12  REPLACE yes;
                'proc@@@@@@@@' ;

                X16 '004A006F0068006E004D006100790034' /* JohnMay4  */
                    '00480054'                         /* HT        */
                    '003000300031002E003200300030'     /* 001.200   */
                    '00490042004D00400040'             /* IBM@@     */
                    '003400310030003000400040'         /* 4100@@    */
                    '005000440031'                     /* PD1       */
                    '003900340040'                     /* 94@       */
                    '007700680074'                     /* wht       */
                    '0067006C'                         /* gl        */
                    '003900300040'                     /* 90@       */
                    '00320040004000400040'             /* 2@@@@     */
                    '0072006E0064004000400040'         /* rnd@@@    */
                    '0031003400310040'                 /* 141@      */
                    '0036003000300040'                 /* 600@      */
                    '00700072006F0063'                 /* proc      */
                    '00400040004000400040004000400040' /* @@@@@@@@  */

   DEFINE  gen1dark  CMRNAME
       'dark@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' ;


   COPYGROUP cg1 ;

   COPYGROUP cg2 ;
    CMR  jm4    INSTR;

   COPYGROUP cg3 ;
    CMR  gen1dark INSTR;