Ports used by InfoPrint Manager for AIX, Linux, and Windows

Commonly used ports

Port IPM/AIX Port IPM/Linux Port IPM/WIN Description Port Type I/O
25 25 25 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) OUT
67 67 67 bootp server (Some printers) IN
68 68 68 bootp client (Some printers) OUT
80 80 80 HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) (Web servers on some printers) OUT
92 92 92 NPP (Network Printing Protocol) OUT
161 161 161 SNMP Request (Simple Network Management Protocol) OUT
162 162 162 SNMP monitor trap port (Printer monitoring and management) OUT
389 389 389 LDAP Server Port non-SSL OUT
515 515 515 lpr/lpd printer spooler BOTH
544 544 544 RSHD IN
631 631 631 IPP (Internet Printing Protocol): IPP Gateway BOTH
636 636 636 LDAP Server Port SSL OUT
2192 2192 2192 License daemon/server


Local only

N/A N/A 2193 InfoPrint Manager DPF IN
2194 2194 2194 InfoPrint Manager LDAP Caching Service IN
5001 5001 5001 IPDS printer port (PSF TCP/IP printer default) OUT
5002 5002 5002 IPDS printer port (for the first engine of a dual-engine printer) OUT
5003 5003 5003 IPDS printer port (for the second engine of a dual-engine printer) OUT
5157 5157 5157 Select's Notification Window OUT
5511-5520 5511-5520 5511-5520 InfoPrint Manager inter-server communication ports (generated by pdinitports, viewed by fstshow -o) BOTH
6874 6874 6874 InfoPrint Manager server communication default (PD_SOCKET)
  1. Ports are configurable with user specific values.
  2. Initial ports. Additional pdservers on the same machine require additional sets of ports.
6875 6875 6875 GUI notification port OUT
8200 8200 8200 Notification server OUT
8250 8250 8250 apped transform daemon (PDF transform daemon) BOTH
8251 8251 8251 ps2afpd transform daemon (PostScript and PDF transform daemon) BOTH
8252 8252 8252 ps2afpd transform daemon (PostScript and PDF transform daemon) BOTH
8253 8253 8253 pcl2afpd transform daemon BOTH
8254 8254 8254 agspdld transform daemon BOTH
9100 9100 9100 RAW printer PCL/PS (pioinfo, piorpdm default) OUT
9600 9600 9600 Printer controlled printer sharing (IPDS printer shared with non-IPDS as well) OUT
14080 14080 14080 HTTP port for web applications (IPMNX, WEB GUI) IN
14443 14443 14443 HTTPS port for web applications (IPMNX, WEB GUI) IN
14005 14005 14005 Web server shutdown port


Local only

InfoPrint Manager Transform Feature ports

Port IPM/AIX Port IPM/Linux Port IPM/WIN Description Port Type I/O
NA 6984 6984 InfoPrint Manager Transform Feature BOTH
NA 6985 6985 InfoPrint Manager Transform Feature


Local only

NA 6986 6986 InfoPrint Manager Transform Feature BOTH
NA 6988-6990 6988-6990 InfoPrint Manager Transform Feature

The compute node <N> uses the port 6988+<N>.


Local only

16080 16080 16080 InfoPrint Manager Transform Feature web application IN