
  • To print a flat ASCII file called timesheet that does not contain carriage controls, on the InfoPrint printer named servC-lp, enter:
    pdpr -p servC-lp -x "document-format=line-data
       form-definition=FDEF1 page-definition=PDEF3 input-exit=apka2e
       carriage-control-type=none" timesheet

    Because you specified document-format=line data, InfoPrint invokes the line2afp command. Because you specified form-definition=FDEF1, the line2afp command uses the FDEF1 form definition. Because you specified page-definition=PDEF3, the line2afp command uses the PDEF3 page definition.

    If the PDEF3 page definition specifies 2-up printing, the timesheet file prints 2-up; that is, with two pages printed side by side on the same physical page.

  • On AIX or Linux, assume that you want to print a traditional line data file called statements. Assume that the file contains ANSI carriage-control characters.

    To print this file on the InfoPrint printer named servA-lp; use form definition FDEF6 in your current directory (/usr/liz/fdefs) and use page definition P1USER10, which might be in the directory /usr/res/pdefs1 or in the directory /usr/res/pdefs2, enter:

    pdpr -p servA-lp -x "document-format=line-data form-definition=FDEF6
      resource-context=/usr/liz/fdefs page-definition=P1USER10
    • Because you specified document-format=line data, InfoPrint invokes the line2afp command.
    • Because you specified page-definition=P1USER10, the pdpr command tells the line2afp command to use the page definition named P1USER10.
    • Because you specified resource-context-page-definition, the pdpr command tells the line2afp command to search the two directories you specified for the page definition.
    • Because you specified form-definition=FDEF6, the pdpr command tells the line2afp command to use the form definition named FDEF6.
    • Because you specified carriage-control-type=ansi-ebcdic and new-line-options=record, the pdpr command gives line2afp information about the data stream format of statements.

  • Suppose you downloaded a file called myfile from a S/370 host to the Windows Windows PC. The file transfer process converted the file’s EBCDIC encoding to ASCII; the file still retains table reference characters and carriage controls. The file also retains the line length it had on the host (100 characters long). Also suppose that your current directory is d:\Host.Files.

    To print this file on the InfoPrint printer BServ-lp; use the coded fonts Courier 12-pitch (X042B2) and Times New Roman 14-pitch (X0N2D2) for the output; use the form definition called F1USER10 in your current directory; and use the page definition called MYP1 (which does not name any fonts) in your current directory, enter:

    pdpr -X 370files.X myfile

    where the attributes file named 370files.X contains these settings:

    • Because you specified document-format=line-data, InfoPrint invokes the line2afp command.
    • The page definition you specified with page-definition does not name any fonts, but the input file contained table reference characters that indicate when fonts should be changed. You specified table-reference-characters=yes and chars=42B2,N2D2, and pdpr passes these values to line2afp.

      You had to use resource-context-page-definition to specify the path to the page definition; line2afp does not automatically look in your current directory.

    • Because you specified chars=42B2,N2D2, pdpr tells line2afp to associate font 42B2 with the first table reference character, and font N2D2 with the second table reference character. Any lines in the input file that begin with table reference character 0 will now print using font 42B2; lines beginning with table reference character 1 will print using font N2D2.
    • Because you specified form-definition=F1USER10, pdpr tells line2afp to use form definition F1USER10. You had to use resource-context to specify the path to the form definition; pdpr and line2afp do not automatically look in your current directory.

  • Suppose you downloaded a file called myfile from a S/370 host to the pSeries. The file transfer process converted the file’s EBCDIC encoding to ASCII; the file still retains table reference characters, plus ANSI carriage controls. You want to print this file on the InfoPrint printer servC-lp, but you do not have any ASCII fonts; you only have the EBCDIC coded fonts Gothic 10-pitch (X0GT10) and Gothic 12-pitch (X0GT12).

    To print this file using the form definition called F1USER10 and the page definition called MYPDEF2, which does not name any fonts, enter:

    pdpr -p servC-lp -x "document-format=line-data
       chars=GT10,GT12 input-exit=apka2e
       form-definition=F1USER10 page-definition=MYPDEF2
       resource-context=/usr/mydir" myfile
    • Because you specified document-format=line-data, InfoPrint invokes the line2afp command.
    • The page definition you specified with page-definition does not name any fonts, but the input file contains table reference characters that specify when fonts are to be changed. You specified table-reference-characters=yes and chars=GT10,GT12, and pdpr passes these values to line2afp.
    • Because you specified chars=GT10,GT12, pdpr tells line2afp to associate font GT10 with the first table reference character, and font GT12 with the second table reference character. Any lines in the input file that begin with table reference character 0 will now print using font GT10; lines beginning with table reference character 1 will print using font GT12.
    • Because you specified input-exit=apka2e, pdpr tells line2afp to convert the ASCII input file into EBCDIC so you can use your EBCDIC coded fonts (GT10 and GT12). Your carriage controls are also in EBCDIC now, so you have to specify carriage-control-type=ansi-ebcdic. This example assumes you have /usr/lpp/psf/bin in your PATH environment variable.
    • Because you specified form-definition=F1USER10, pdpr tells line2afp to use form definition F1USER10. You had to use resource-context to specify the path to the form definition; pdpr and line2afp do not automatically look in your current directory.