An overview of SAP and OMS

The InfoPrint Manager SAP OMS support consists of a command-line interface and either an SAP callback daemon (on AIX and Linux) or an SAP callback process (on Windows) that logs onto an SAP system and delivers InfoPrint Manager notifications back to SAP by making RFCs (remote function calls). As print, cancel job, query job, and device query requests are made by SAP users, the SAP Spool Work Process (SWP) invokes the InfoPrint Manager commands. As the job progresses through the InfoPrint Manager system, notifications are sent back to SAP through the InfoPrint Manager SAP Callback daemon (sapcbd) or the SAP Callback process (sapcbd.exe). Only one SAP Callback daemon or process needs to be started for each SAP system, regardless of how many application servers make up that system. The SAP Callback daemon or process runs on the same server where InfoPrint Manager is running.

In InfoPrint Manager for AIX, InfoPrint Manager for Linux, and InfoPrint Manager for Windows, the InfoPrint Manager SAP Print Feature contains:

  • Command-line interface
  • SAP Callback daemon (sapcbd) on AIX and Linux, and the SAP Callback process (sapcbd.exe) on Windows
  • SAP (sap2afp) transform

The InfoPrint Manager SAP Clients contain the command-line interface.

To allow either the sapcbd daemon or the sapcbd.exe process to deliver InfoPrint Manager notifications to an SAP system, you must install the SAP Print Feature on at least one system where the InfoPrint Manager servers are running. To allow SAPGOF device type output (both OTF and ABAP data streams) to be transformed and processed by InfoPrint Manager, you must install the SAP Print Feature on every system where InfoPrint Manager actual destinations are going to transform SAP data.

To install the SAP Print Feature on an InfoPrint server, see Installing the SAP Print Feature on the InfoPrint Manager server.

To allow SAP to issue the InfoPrint Manager commands, you must install a InfoPrint Manager SAP Client on every SAP server where an SAP application server will issue the commands. This includes every application server with an SWP managing SAP devices that have been configured to use the InfoPrint Manager OMS. If you have configured your SAP system to use alternate servers, you must repeat these installation tasks on the alternate servers as well.

To install and configure InfoPrint Manager as an SAP OMS when SAP:

  1. The SAP Print Feature is available on InfoPrint Manager for AIX, InfoPrint Manager for Linux, and InfoPrint Manager for Windows as a separately-priced feature that can be installed from the InfoPrint Manager: SAP Print Feature DVD-ROM, LCD4-5646.
  2. The AIX, Linux, and Windows SAP clients are available to install from the RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Common Clients DVD-ROM, LCD4-5642.
  3. These procedures presume that you have already installed and configured InfoPrint Manager on a separate AIX, Linux, or Windows server.
  4. An SAP OMS interface restriction requires that your InfoPrint server (pdserver) name be no longer than nine characters.