Primary computer

The system hardware requirements for the computer that the RICOH ProcessDirector base product (and most features) is installed on are:

  • One or more 1.9 GHz or faster RISC processors.
  • 200 GB free hard-drive space.
  • Minimum of 8 GB available RAM is required.

    More available RAM is required for high system loads. Large jobs, many jobs, jobs with many documents, workflow steps that run in parallel, and memory-intensive external programs all increase system loads.

    • A minimum of 16 GB available RAM is required when you are using one or more document processing features, for example:
      • AFP Support
      • PDF Document Support
      • Archive
      • Automated Verification
      • Inserter
      • Postal Enablement
      • Preference Management

      Depending on the number of documents you process, you might need more RAM or free hard-drive space.

The operating system level does not have to be the same on the primary computer and on the computers that the Secondary Server features are installed on.

If you plan to install the base product on two computers so you can have an active computer and a backup (failover) computer, both computers must meet the minimum requirements for the RICOH ProcessDirector base product and features you are installing. The hardware does not have to be identical, but the operating system must be identical, including version, release, and service updates. You must also install and configure an external storage system, such a SAN or an NFS-mounted file system, that is compatible with your computers. The external storage system must have enough free space to hold the required file systems. The recommended size for the external storage system is at least 110 GB.

The following features have more hardware requirements. These requirements are added to the requirements listed for the primary computer; they do not replace those requirements.

  • Advanced Transform feature
    • Minimum 1 GB more free hard-drive space allocated to the RICOH ProcessDirector/opt file system
    • Minimum 2 GB more free hard-drive space allocated to the /aiw/aiw1 file system
      • Large jobs sometimes require more RAM to process efficiently.
  • RICOH Transform features

    These requirements apply only to the RICOH Transform features (such as, PostScript/PDF to AFP and Ricoh PCL to AFP), not to the Advanced Transform feature.

    • Minimum of an extra 10 GB free hard-drive space.
    • An extra 1 GB RAM for every CPU core, but no less than 4 GB.

      For example, if the computer has:

      • One dual-core processor, it must have an extra 4 GB RAM.
      • Two quad-core processors, it must have an extra 8 GB RAM.
      • Three quad-core processors, it must have an extra 12 GB RAM.
      • Four quad-core processors, it must have an extra 16 GB RAM.