Installing or Updating

After downloading the current version of RICOH Cloud Connector, install it on the server that you identified.
  • If you downloaded the installation files to a different machine, copy the files to the system that you want to install the program on.
  • Make sure that you have enough space on the disk:
    • The RICOH Cloud Connector installation requires at least 1.1 GB of free space.
    • For the RICOH TotalFlow Producer Advanced subscription, the Windows version of RICOH Cloud Connector includes the RICOH Printer Connector component and requires at least 3.6 GB of free space.
To install or update RICOH Cloud Connector:
  1. Log in to the computer where you downloaded the RICOH Cloud Connector installer executable as an Administrator.
    On a Linux system, you must log in with a user account that has read and write permissions on these directories:
    • /var
    • /etc
    • /usr
    • /opt

    Also, you need execute permission for the RICOH Cloud Connector executable file that you downloaded.

  2. If you are installing on Linux, find and double-click ricoh-cloud-connector-linux.gz to unpack the installer files.
    Important: Among the unpacked files, you should see the installer executable file, named ricoh-cloud-connector-linux. Make sure that the file can be run as an executable. Follow the procedure for your Linux version to make it executable.
  3. Find and double-click the RICOH Cloud Connector installer executable.
    The name of the executable file is:
    • On Windows: ricoh-cloud-connector-win.exe
    • On Linux: ricoh-cloud-connector-linux

    If you are installing RICOH Cloud Connector for the first time, the RICOH Cloud Connector Installation page opens in the default browser.

    If you are updating RICOH Cloud Connector, the RICOH Cloud Connector Update page opens in the default browser.

    Note: If the RICOH Cloud Connector Installation page does not open, your anti-virus or browser might be blocking the installer.

    Check the address bar of your browser to see if it blocked a page from opening. If the page was blocked, grant permission to display the page. If the page still does not display, refer to the Troubleshooting topic below.

  4. If you are installing for the first time:
    1. Review the legal terms and select I accept the terms of the license agreement..
    2. Verify the install location and that you have write and execute permissions for it, then click INSTALL.
  5. If you are updating RICOH Cloud Connector:
    Note: Your previous setup details are imported, including acceptance of the license.
    1. Review the information about your current version of RICOH Cloud Connector and the update version.
    2. Click UPDATE.

The installation starts and you can view its progress.

On Windows, if you have a RICOH TotalFlow Producer Advanced subscription, RICOH Printer Connector is automatically installed on your system together with RICOH Cloud Connector.

When the installation completes, the RICOH Cloud Connector Setup page opens automatically.

The RICOH Cloud Connector service starts automatically after each successful installation, update, or system restart.