Index Element (IEL) structured field

The IEL structured field associates indexing tags with a specific page or group of pages in the output document file. It also contains the byte and structured-field offset to the page or page group and the size of the page or page group in both bytes and structured-field count. This list shows the triplets that compose the IEL structured field:

  • FQN Type X'8D'

    This triplet contains the name of the active medium map that is associated with the page or page group. For page groups, this triplet is the medium map that is active for the first page in the group because other medium maps can be referenced after subsequent pages in the group. If no medium map is explicitly called with an Invoke Medium Map (IMM) structured field, ACIF uses a null name (8 bytes of X'FF') to identify the default medium map; that is, the first medium map in the form definition.

  • Object Byte Extent (X'57')

    This triplet contains the size, in bytes, of the page or group this IEL structured field references. The value begins at 1.

  • Object Structured Field Extent (X'59')

    This triplet contains the number of structured fields that compose the page or group that is referenced by this IEL structured field. In the host environment, each record contains only one structured field, so this value also represents the number of records in the page or group. The value begins at 1.

  • Direct Byte Offset (X'2D')

    This triplet contains the offset, in bytes, from the