
OFFSET Subcommand
OFFSET rel-x rel-y [rel-x rel-y]
Specifies the relative offset of the logical page for both the front and back pages in reference to the media origin. The media origin is printer dependent. For more information about media origin, see your printer publications.

If you specify offset values for the back of the page, you must also specify the front offset values.

Note: The OFFSET subcommand does not affect the position of medium overlays.
Specifies the relative horizontal offset of the logical page on the front or back side of the copy group relative to the media origin. The valid options for rel-x are described in the SETUNITS command for the horizontal value.

If no unit is specified, a default setting is:

  • Taken from the lastSETUNITS command
  • IN (inch) if no SETUNITS command has been issued

Specifies the relative vertical offset for the logical p