
REPEAT Subcommand

Specifies the number of printlines that are to be printed on a logical page. The direction and font specified within this printline applies to all lines printed. By using this command, you do not have to write specifications for each line.

Note: If the REPEAT subcommand is omitted, only one line is printed for this PRINTLINE command.
This value specifies the number of printlines for a logical page; the maximum value is 65,535.
Not valid
Only one line is printed
Specifies that fields associated with repetitions of this PRINTLINE are to be positioned based on the first instance of the same field.

This parameter has no affect in fields with the same direction as the PRINTLINE of which they are a part.

This parameter specifies that the direction of repetition for a given field is the direction of the first instance of this field, plus 90°. Therefore, every field of an ACROSSPRINTLINE is repeated down the page, regardless of the direction of the FIELD.

Specifies that fields associated with repetitions of this printline are to be positioned based on the repetition of the PRINTLINE itself.

This parameter has no effect in fields with the same direction as the PRINTLINE of which they are a part.

This parameter specifies that the direction of repetition for a given field is the direction of the associated PRINTLINE plus 90°. Therefore, every field of an ACROSS PRINTLINE is repeated down the page, regardless of the direction of the FIELD.

CHANNEL Subcommand

Used to specify line spacing, skipping within a logical page, or page ejection (skipping to a new page). This subcommand is equivalent to the Forms Control Buffer (FCB) channel. The CHANNEL subcommand applies only to the first printline.

The range of channels is 1 to 12. These correspond to carriage-control characters in the data. There is no default.
FONT Subcommand
FONT name1 [, name2]

Defines the font to be used for the printline.

Specifies the name of a font used to print the data. This font must have been defined in a previous FONT command in this page definition.

If Shift-Out, Shift-In (SOSI) processing is used, name1 must be the single-byte font.

Specify only when using Shift-Out, Shift-In (SOSI) processing to dynamically switch between a single-byte font and a double-byte font within the printline. name2 must be the double-byte font.
  1. If this subcommand is not specified and TRC (Table Reference Character) bytes are specified in the print data, the print server uses the font indicated by the TRC byte. Otherwise, the print server selects a default font.
  2. For ASCII, UTF8, or UTF16 the entire PRINTLINE command must be one font. To use multiple font mappings for a line in ASCII, UTF8, or UTF16 you must use the FIELD command.
PRINTDATA Subcommand

Specifies whether the line of data associated with the current PRINTLINE should be printed. The PRINTDATA subcommand is useful when the data stream is interspersed with lines of comments, blank lines, or lines without data that are not meant to be printed.

Specifies the data for the current PRINTLINE is printed. YES is the default.
Specifies the data for the current PRINTLINE is not printed.
  1. Any FIELD command that is associated with a PRINTLINE that specifies PRINTDATA NO is ignored and an error message is issued.
  2. The default position for a command that specifies PRINTDATA NO is POSITION SAME SAME.


PAGEDEF  xmp01 ;

  PRINTLINE  PrintData  NO ;
  PRINTLINE  PrintData  yes ;
  PRINTLINE  Segment X  PrintData NO  Overlay Y  Position Same Next ;
  PRINTLINE  PrintData yes ;

In Figure PRINTLINE NO Example, the LINESP parameter specifies that one line per inch is to be printed.

  1. The first line of data is read and printed.
  2. The second line of data is read, but not printed.
    Note: Line 2 does not affect the positioning of the lines that follow. Line 3 is positioned as though line 2 did not exist.
  3. The third line of data is read and printed one inch down from the first line.
  4. The fourth line of data is read and printed one inch down from the third line.
  5. The fifth line of data is read, but not printed.
    • The segment X is printed.
    • The overlay Y is printed.
  6. The sixth line of data is read and printed two inches down from the fourth line.

POSITION Subcommand

Specifies the starting position of the printline in the printout. The POSITION subcommand applies only to the first printline.

Specifies that this line starts at the position specified as the horizontal (x) value in the previous LINEONE subcommand within this page definition.
Specifies that this line starts at the same horizontal offset position as the previous printline. If applied to the first printline of a logical page, the horizontal position is 0, which is the default.
Alternate for SAME.
Specifies the horizontal offset from the left side of the logical page. The value is a number with up to three decimal places. The valid options for x-pos are described in the SETUNITS command for the horizontal value.
Specifies that the following vertical position value is to be processed as a relative value. The printline is positioned relative to the last printline placed on the page.

If a set of printlines were skipped over in the page definition because of a skip-to-channel carriage control, and the new active printline contains a relative vertical position, the output line is positioned relative to the location of the last line printed on the page.

  1. If both TOP and RELATIVE are requested for the Y position value, the RELATIVE request is ignored.
  2. When using RELATIVE positioning, PPFA does not flag off-the-page conditions for the position of a printline or for any overlays, segments or objects placed relative to that printline. Printlines that fall outside the bounds of the logical page are flagged by the print server at run time.
  3. When specifying RELATIVE, use the minus sign to indicate any negative values for the PRINTLINE vertical position; you may use the plus sign to indicate positive values. If no sign is used, a positive value is assumed.
  4. The DIRECTION for a relative printline must be ACROSS. Fields associated with a relative printline must have the same DIRECTION as the printline and must match the PAGEFORMAT DIRECTION.
  5. If RELATIVE is specified with SAME as the y value, the relative value in the printline is +0.
  6. Relative positioning is allowed on a PRINTLINE command only if the PRINTLINE and all its associated FIELD commands are formatted to print in the same direction as the PAGEFORMAT. That is, the DIRECTION parameter in the PRINTLINE and any associated FIELD commands must specify (or default to) ACROSS. The DIRECTION in the PAGEFORMAT or PAGEDEF command may be any allowable value: ACROSS, DOWN, BACK, or UP.
  7. The PRINTLINE command in which relative positioning is used can specify a CHANNEL parameter. The n value specified for the CHANNEL parameter cannot be used for any other PRINTLINE in the same PAGEFORMAT.

Specifies that the printline is placed in the position specified as the vertical (y) value in the previous LINEONE subcommand within this page definition.
Specifies that the PRINTLINE is to be positioned down (on the logical page) one line (as defined in the LINESP subcommand of the last SETUNITS command) from the previous PRINTLINE. The LINESP subcommand of the SETUNITS command establishes the distance from one line to the next.

When NEXT is specified for the first PRINTLINE of a logical page, the starting position of the line is one line down from the top of the logical page, which is the default.

Note: The down direction is determined by the direction of the logical page (as specified in the page format), not the printline direction. NEXT is, therefore, mainly useful in ACROSS printlines.

Specifies that this printline starts at the same vertical position as the previous printline. If applied to the first printline of a logical page, the horizontal position is 0, which is the default.
Alternate for SAME.
Specifies the vertical offset from the top side of the logical page. The value options for y-pos are described in the SETUNITS command for the vertical value.


setunits linesp 6 lpi;
PAGEDEF rel9  replace yes
  direction across width 8.5 in height 11.0 in;
PRINTLINE channel 1 repeat 7 position 0 IN 1.0 IN;
/* The fields will be placed at +120 pels, +24 pels (next) */
/* and +48 pels (.20 IN) from lines previously placed on page */
setunits linesp 10 lpi;
PRINTLINE channel 2 repeat 2 position 0 relative next;
  FIELD START 1 LENGTH 3 position 0 IN .5 IN;
  FIELD START 4 LENGTH 3 position 0 IN next;
  FIELD START 7 LENGTH 3 position current .20 IN; 
COLOR Subcommand
COLOR colorname

Specifies an OCA or defined color for the text of this field. This subcommand is recognized only by printers that support multiple-color printing. Refer to your printer publication for information about the colors that can printed.

Note: See AFP Color Management for more information about using color.
Values for colorname can be a defined color (see DEFINE COLOR Command), or an OCA colorname. Values for OCA colornames are:
  • NONE
  • BLUE
  • RED
  • TURQ (or CYAN)
  • GRAY
The color choices depend on the printer.

If you do not enter one of these colors, the default color for that printer is used. NONE is the color of the medium. DEFAULT is the printer default color.

Note: In some printer manuals, the color turquoise (TURQ) is called cyan, and the color pink (PINK) is called magenta.

PPFA supports the following synonyms:

  • CYAN for TURQ

Note: Do not specify both an OCA color with the COLOR sub-parameter and an extended color model on the same FIELD or PRINTLINE command. The output is device dependent and may not be what you expect.
Color Model Subcommands
[RGB rvalue gvalue bvalue | 
 HIGHLIGHT hvalue] [COVERAGE cvalue] [BLACK bvalue] |
 CMYK cvalue mvalue yvalue kvalue | 
 CIELAB lvalue [(–)] clvalue [(–)] c2value]
These subcommands specify the color of print for this field supported in MO:DCA for the Red/Green/Blue color model (RGB), the highlight color space, the Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black color model (CMYK), and the CIELAB color model.
RGBrvalue gvalue bvalue
Three RGB integer values are used. The first (rvalue) represents a value for red, the second (gvalue) represents a value for green, and the third (bvalue) represents a value for blue. Each of the three integer values may be specified as a percentage from 0 to 100.
Note: An RGB specification of 0/0/0 is black. An RGB specification of 100/100/100 is white. Any other value is a color somewhere between black and white, depending on the output device.
HIGHLIGHThvalue [COVERAGEcvalue] [BLACKbvalue]
Indicates the highlight color model. Highlight colors are device dependent.

You can use an integer within the range of 0 to 65535 for the hvalue.

Note: An hvalue of 0 indicates that there is no default value defined; therefore, the default color of the presentation device is used.

COVERAGE indicates the amount of coverage of the highlight color to be used. You can use an integer within the range of 0 to 100 for the cvalue. If less than 100 percent is specified, the remaining coverage is achieved with the color of the medium.

Note: Fractional values are ignored. If COVERAGE is not specified, a value of 100 is used as a default.

BLACK indicates the percentage of black to be added to the highlight color. You can use an integer within the range of 0 to 100 for the bvalue. The amount of black shading applied depends on the COVERAGE percentage, which is applied first. If less than 100 percent is specified, the remaining coverage is achieved with black.

Note: If BLACK is not specified, a value of 0 is used as a default.

Defines the cyan/magenta/yellow/black color model. cvalue specifies the cyan value. mvalue specifies the magenta value. yvalue specifies the yellow value. kvalue specifies the black value. You can use an integer percentage within the range of 0 to 100 for any of the CMYK values.
Defines the CIELAB model. Use a range of 0.00 to 100.00 with Lvalue to specify the luminance value. Use signed integers from -127 to 127 with c1value and c2value to specify the chrominance differences.

Lvalue, c1value, c2value must be specified in this order. There are no defaults for the subvalues.

  1. Do not specify both an OCA color with the COLOR sub-parameter and an extended color model on the same FIELD or PRINTLINE command. The output is device dependent and may not be what you expect.
  2. Do not specify two extended color model subcommands on the same FIELD or PRINTLINE command.

OVERLAY Subcommand
   [0 0 | rel. x-pos rel. y-pos] 
   [OVROTATE {0 | 90 | 180 | 270}]

Specifies the name of an overlay that is to be positioned relative to the location specified in the PRINTLINE command in which the OVERLAY subcommand was named. The PAGEFORMAT OVERLAY command may contain the named overlays. The maximum number of overlays specified for a PAGEFORMAT including the PRINTLINE OVERLAY subcommand is 254.

The OVERLAY can be identified by specifying a name (xname) or by getting the name from the input data record (use VARIABLE command).

The user access name (external name). It can be unquoted or quoted with descriptor tags, indicating the data type (for example, ASCII) of the data in the field.
An unquoted external name can be up to 6 characters. It is folded to upper case, has an O1 prefix added to it, and is translated to EBCDIC codepage 500 if necessary.
quoted-name with no data tag
A quoted external name can be up to 8 characters. No translation is done. It is the data type (EBCDIC or ASCII) as dictated by the system platform. If not 8 bytes long, it is padded on the right with EBCDIC or ASCII blanks.
This quoted external name can be up to 8 characters. No translation is done. It is the data type (EBCDIC or ASCII) as dictated by the system platform. If not 8 bytes long, it is padded on the right with EBCDIC or ASCII blanks.
This quoted external name can be up to 8 characters. It is translated, if necessary, to EBCDIC and padded with EBCDIC blanks if it is shorter than 8 bytes.
This quoted external name can be up to 8 characters. It is translated, if necessary, to ASCII and padded with ASCII blanks if it isn't 8 bytes long.
This quoted external name can be up to 8 characters (16 hexadecimal digits). No translation is done. If less than 8 characters are coded, the name is padded on the right with blanks of the platform type where the page definition is generated (ASCII on Windows; EBCDIC otherwise). The user can avoid the padding by coding all 16 hexadecimal digits.
Indicates that the actual name of the overlay, including the O1 prefix, is read from the data record. The Variable-Name-Locator field specifies where in the data to get the name.
  1. Any overlay that is to be included in this manner must be defined in the PAGEFORMAT using the OVERLAY command. Any overlay included but not defined will cause a run time print error for a missing MPO structured field, for example APS263I
  2. If you specify VARIABLE for the OVERLAY name and don't want to print the name, then you must have at least one field command, or code PRINTDATA NO on the PRINTLINE command.
The starting position in the data record to get the overlay name. The first data byte position of the input record is 1. If START is not coded, 1 is assumed.
Length of field. Specifies the number (n) of bytes to process from the data record, beginning with the position specified in START. The maximum length is 8.
OVROTATE {0 | 90 | 180 | 270}
Specifies the rotation of the placed overlay with respect to the x-axis of the page.

See FORMDEF Command for an OVROTATE example, which is presented in the FORMDEF description.

SEGMENT Subcommand
   [0 0 rel. x-pos rel. y-pos]

Specifies the placement of a segment relative to the location specified in the PRINTLINE command in which the SEGMENT subcommand was named. The PAGEFORMAT SEGMENT command may contain the named segments. The maximum number of segments specified for a PAGEFORMAT including the PRINTLINE SEGMENT subcommand is 127.

The SEGMENT can be identified by specifying a name (Xname) or by getting the name from the input data record using VARIABLEVariable-Name-Locator.

Specifies the user-access name as defined in the SEGMENT command. It can be unquoted or quoted with descriptor tags within indicate the data type of the data in the field.
An unquoted external name can be up to 6 characters. It is folded to upper case, have an O1 prefix added to it, and be translated to EBCDIC codepage 500 if necessary.
quoted-name with no data tag
A quoted external name can be up to 8 characters. No translation is done. It is the data type (EBCDIC or ASCII) as dictated by the system platform. If not 8 bytes long, it is padded on the right with EBCDIC or ASCII blanks.
A quoted external name can be up to 8 characters. No translation is done. It is the data type (EBCDIC or ASCII) as dictated by the system platform. If not 8 bytes long, it is padded on the right with EBCDIC or ASCII blanks.
This quoted external name can be up to 8 characters. It is translated, if necessary, to EBCDIC and padded with EBCDIC blanks if it isn't 8 bytes long.
This quoted external name can be up to 8 characters. It is translated, if necessary, to ASCII and padded with ASCII blanks if it isn't 8 bytes long.
This quoted external name can be up to 8 characters (16 hexadecimal characters). No translation is performed. If less than 8 characters are coded, the name is padded on the right with blanks of the platform type where the page definition was generated (ASCII on NT or EBCDIC). You can avoid the padding by coding all 16 hexadecimal digits.
Indicates that the actual name of the segment, including the S1 prefix, is read from the data record. The Variable-Name-Locator field specifies where in the data to get the name.
  1. Any page segment that is to be included in this manner should be defined in the PAGEFORMAT using the SEGMENT command. Defining page segments will enhance print performance.
  2. If you specify VARIABLE for the SEGMENT name and do not want to print the name, then you must have at least one field command, or code PRINTDATA NO on the PRINTLINE command.
The starting position in the data record to get the overlay name. The first data byte position of the input record is 1. If START is not coded, 1 is assumed.
Length of field. Specifies the number (n) of bytes to process from the data record, beginning with the position specified in START. The maximum length is 8.

DIRECTION Subcommand

Specifies the print direction of the line relative to the upper-left corner as you view the logical page. Not all printers can print in all print directions. For more information about your printer, refer to your printer documentation.

If DIRECTION is not specified, the direction specified in the PAGEFORMAT command is used. Observe that this direction is additive to the direction specified in the PAGEFORMAT command.

The printline direction is rotated 0° relative to the direction specified in the PAGEFORMAT (the printlines are oriented in the same direction as the page).
The printline direction is rotated 90° relative to the direction specified in the PAGEFORMAT.
The printline direction is rotated 180° relative to the direction specified in the PAGEFORMAT.
The printline direction is rotated 270° relative to the direction specified in the PAGEFORMAT.

OBJECT Subcommand
OBJECT {lname [0 0 | relX relY] | 
         VARIABLE [START n] LENGTH n [0 0 | relX relY] OBTYPE Parameters}
         Other OBJECT Parameters

Specifies the placement of a resource object. If an internal name is coded, this is a known object defined by an OBJECT command. Otherwise, the object is a variable-named object whose name is extracted from fields in the line data as described by the START, LENGTH, FLDNUM, or RECID parameters. There is no OBJECT command for these objects, they must be specified with the OBTYPE and OBID parameters.

  1. All of the OBJECT parameters are treated as positional parameters. All positional parameters must be coded in the exact position and order as specified in the syntax diagram.
  2. Multiple page/image objects used without specifying a page using OBPAGE default to using the first page in the object.
Specifies the local name of an object that is up to 16 alphanumeric characters in length. The lname is used to match the PRINTLINE OBJECT subcommand to its definition from the OBJECT command. An object must be defined with this internal name by the OBJECT command.
relative-xpos relative-ypos
Specifies the number of units (inches, mm, and so on) that are added to the position of the current printline to position the top-left corner of the object. The values for the horizontal and vertical positioning are limited by the type of printer used and the L-units specified with the PELSPERINCH parameter on the PAGEDEF or PAGEFORMAT command.

Each position specification can be a positive or negative number with up to three decimal places. The units specified can be one of the following: IN, MM, CM, POINTS, or PELS.

Indicates that the actual name of the object is read from the data record. The Variable-Name-Locator field specifies where in the data to get the name.
  1. Any object that is to be included in this manner should be defined in the PAGEDEF using the OBJECT command. Defining objects will enhance print performance.
  2. If you specify VARIABLE for the OBJECT name and do not want to print the name, then you must have at least one field command, or code PRINTDATA NO on the PRINTLINE command.
The starting position in the data record to get the object name. The first data byte position of the input record is 1. If START is not coded, 1 is assumed.
Length of field. Specifies the number (n) of bytes to process from the data record, beginning with the position specified in START. The maximum length is 8.
        OTHER OBID {comp-id | type-name}}

Used to specify the type of the object. Observe that each of the object types restricts the type of mapping option allowed in the placement of the object (OBMAP on the OBJECT subcommand on the PRINTLINE command.)

Specifies a page segment object, as described in the Mixed Object Document Content Architecture (MODCA) Reference Manual. All mapping types (OBMAP) are allowed by PPFA, however, the print server issues an error if any of the objects contained in the page segment are not compatible with the coded OBMAP parameter.
Specifies a graphic object, as described in the Graphics Object Content Architecture (GOCA) Reference Manual. GOCA allows you to specify TRIM, FIT, CENTER, REPEAT, and FILL parameters on the OBMAP subcommand.
Specifies a bar code object, as described in the Bar Code Object Content Architecture (BCOCA) Reference Manual. BCOCA allows you to specify only the LEFT parameter on the OBMAP subcommand.
Specifies an image object, as described in the Image Object Content Architecture (BCOCA) Reference Manual. IOCA allows you to specify TRIM, FIT, CENTER, REPEAT, and FILL parameters on the OBMAP subcommand.
Specifies a presentation text object with Object Environment Group (OEG) as described in the Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (PTOCA) Reference Manual and the Mixed Object Document Content Architecture (MODCA) Reference Manual. The PTOCA object type allows you to specify the LEFT parameter in the OBMAP subcommand.
Specifies other object data. The object data to be included is a paginated presentation object with a format that may or may not be defined by an AFP presentation architecture. When you specify OTHER, you must also specify the OBID parameter. OTHER allows you to specify TRIM, FIT, CENTER, REPEAT, and FILL parameters on the OBMAP subcommand.
Specifies either a component identifier or a type name from Non-OCA Objects Supported by IOB. The OBID is translated into an Encoded OID and matched to the OID inside the object; they must match.
Specifies the component identifier from the Component ID column of TableNon-OCA Objects Supported by IOB.
Specifies a name from the Type Name column of Table Non-OCA Objects Supported by IOB.

Non-OCA Objects Supported by IOB

Type Name Component ID Description of OBID Object Type
EPS 13 Encapsulated PostScript
TIFF or TIF 14 Tag Image File Format
WINDIB 17 Device Dependent Bit Map [DIB], Windows Version
OS2DIB 18 Device Dependent Bit Map [DIB], PM Version
PCX 19 Paint Brush Picture File Format
GIF 22 Graphics Interchange Format
JFIF, JPEG, or JPG 23 AFPC (AFP Consortium) JPEG Subset
PDFSPO 25 PDF Single Page Object
PCLPO 34 PCL Page Object
EPSTR 48 EPS with Transparency
PDFSPOTR 49 PDF Single Page Object with Transparency
MTIFF 61 TIFF Multiple Image File
MTIFFNT 62 TIFF Multiple Image without Transparency File
MPDF 63 PDF Multiple Page File
MPDFT 64 PDF Multiple Page with Transparency File
PNG 65 PNG File Format

Object Types that can be referenced as Secondary Resources

Type Name Component ID Description of OID Type-Name
PDFRO 26 PDF Resource Object (new)
RESCLRPRO 46 Resident Color Profile Resource Object
IOCAFS45RO 47 IOCA FS45 Resource Object Tile (new)
OBSIZE {USEOBJ | wd [unit] hg [unit]}

Specifies the size of the object placement area. When no OBSIZE is specified, the default is the size specified in the object. If no size is specified in the object, the size of the page is used. The page width is as specified on the PAGEDEF or PAGEFORMAT commands, or it defaults to 8.3 inches by 10.8 inches.

Specifies that the size measurements specified in the object are to be used. If no size is specified in the object, the size of the page is used, which is the length and width as specified on the PAGEDEF or PAGEFORMAT commands, or it defaults to 8.3 inches by 10.8 inches.
Specifies the width of an object placement area as a number with up to three decimal places. The allowable width may vary with the type of printer used and the L-units specified with the PELSPERINCH parameter on the PAGEDEF or PAGEFORMAT command.
Specifies a unit of measurement for the width parameter. The choices are: IN, MM, CM, POINTS, or PELS.
Note: If no unit is specified, the default is the most recent SETUNITS command value or IN (inch) if a SETUNITS command has not been issued.
Specifies the height of the object placement area as a number with up to three decimal places. The allowable height may vary with the type of printer used and the L-units specified with the PELSPERINCH parameter on the PAGEDEF or PAGEFORMAT command.
Specifies a unit of measurement for the height parameter. The choices are: IN, MM, CM, POINTS, or PELS.
Note: If no unit is specified, the default is the most recent SETUNITS command value or IN (inch) if a SETUNITS command has not been issued.

Specifies mapping options. The OBMAP parameter defines the mapping of the object to the object placement area. If OBMAP is not coded, the mapping option within the object is used. If the object does not contain a mapping option, then the print server sets it to the created default for the container type.

Each object type (OBTYPE on the OBJECT command) specifies the allowable mapping options for that type. When it can, PPFA issues a message when these rules are violated. However, in the case of an object type of page segment (OBTYPE=PSEG), PPFA does not know what types of objects are contained in it; therefore, PPFA cannot enforce the restrictions. See OBJECT Command for a description of the restrictions.

Specifies that the object is positioned at the upper, left-hand corner of the object placement area, as defined or defaulted by the relative-xpos, relative-ypos, OBCHPOS, and OBCVPOS parameters. Any portion of the object that falls outside the object placement area as defined by the OBSIZE parameter is not trimmed and could cause an exception condition by the presentation system.
Specifies position and trim. The object is positioned at the upper, left-hand corner of the object placement area, as defined or defaulted by the relative-xpos, relative-ypos, OBCHPOS, and OBCVPOS parameters. Any portion of the object that falls outside the object placement area as defined by the OBSIZE parameter is trimmed.
Specifies scale to fit; this is the default value if the OBMAP parameter is not coded. The object is to be scaled to fit within the object placement area, as defined by the OBSIZE parameter. The center of the object is placed in the center of the object placement area and the object is scaled up or down to fit the block. Scaling in the horizontal and vertical directions is symmetrical. The FIT parameter ensures that all of the data in the object is presented in the object placement area at the largest possible size. The object is not trimmed.
Specifies that the center of the object be positioned at the center of the object placement area. Any portion of the object that falls outside the object placement area is trimmed.
Specifies that the origin of the data object be positioned with the origin of the object placement area. The object is then replicated in the X and Y directions. If the last replicated data does not fit in the object area, it is trimmed to fit.
Specifies that the center of the data object be positioned coincident with the center of the object placement area. The data object is then scaled, so that it totally fills the object placement area in both the X and Y directions. This may require that the object be asymmetrically scaled by different scale factors in the X and Y directions.


Specifies the horizontal offset of the object contents within the object placement area.

Specifies that the offset value from the object is to be used. If no value is set in the object, the value defaults to 0.
The valid options for x-pos are described in the SETUNITS command for the horizontal value.

Specifies the vertical offset of the object contents within the object placement area, as defined by the OBSIZE parameter. If OBCVPOS is not specified, it defaults to USEOBJ and uses the value set in the object. If no value is set in the object, the value defaults to 0. The OBCHPOS parameter is used only in LEFT and TRIM mapping of the object into the object placement area.

Specifies that the offset value from the object is to be used. If no value is set in the object, the value defaults to 0.
Specifies a positive or negative number. The valid options for y-pos are described in the SETUNITS command for the vertical value.
OBROTATE {0 | 90 | 180 | 270}

Specifies the object rotation with respect to the current LND's coordinate system.

  1. An included object is positioned and oriented in the following manner:
    • All measurements are from the LND position established by the PRINTLINE position. Reference these measurements using the inline direction of the printline.
    • Measure the“relative-xpos and relative-ypos” units from the PRINTLINE current position to determine the object area origin.
    • Apply any rotation from OBROTATE to modify the PRINTLINE axis, and to create the new object area coordinate system.
    • Use the OBSIZE parameter to determine the object area size within the object area coordinate system, and to define the object placement area.
    • To determine the object content origin, apply the Object Content Offset from parameters OBCHPOS (OBject Content Horizontal POSition) and OBCVPOS (OBject Content Vertical POSition) to the object area origin.
  2. The object content offset is used only for position (LEFT) and position and trim (TRIM) mapping options.
OBCOLOR color-name

Specifies the color to be used as the default color or initial color for the object placement area. The OBCOLOR parameter is used only for objects of the PSEG, GOCA, BCOCA, IOCA, PTOCA and OTHER type.

Values for colorname can be a defined color (see DEFINE COLOR Command) or one of the OCA color spaces listed below.
  • NONE
  • BLUE
  • RED
  • TURQ (or CYAN)
  • GRAY
Note: This function requires both the print server and printer support. Check your print server and printer documentation.

Specifies the page number of a multipage object or file to be presented. n is the page number. A number from 1 to 999999999 (9 digits) is valid.

OBRESOLUTION x-res y-res {IN | CM}

Specifies the resolution and unit of measurement of an image. If the resolution is already specified inside the image, this information is ignored by the printer. Use this subcommand for images that do not or may not contain their resolution. Specify resolution of an image so that the printer can print the image correctly.

To specify object resolution, you must have a printer and a print server that support this capability.

If not specified, the default is to assume that the image resolution is the same as the printer. If the image does not print at the size you expect, use OBRESOLUTION to identify the image's resolution. With the resolution information, the printer will then be able print the image at the expected size.

Specifies the number to be used for the horizontal resolution of an image. Specify an integer value in the range of 1–3276.
Specifies the number to be used for the vertical resolution of an image. Specify an integer value in the range of 1–3276.
Specifies a unit of measurement. The choices are:

Code Example: In the following example, the OBJECT subcommand is used to define a JFIF object (which may be specified as JPG). This object has a resolution of 300 pels per inch in both the x and y directions.

Pagedef  obres2 replace yes;
 PRINTLINE  OBJECT VAR  .4 .5 start 2 length 6
            OBRESOLUTION 300 300 IN;


Specifies the presentation space size to be used for the object. OBCPSS may be specified once. If OBCPSS is specified but no PSS value is entered, an error message will be issued.

Specifies the presentation space size. Values for PSS can be:
  • mediabox — Specifies MediaBox
  • cropbox — Specifies CropBox
  • bleedbox — Specifies BleedBox
  • trimbox — Specifies TrimBox
  • artbox — Specifies ArtBox

In Figure Example of PPFA Support for IOB in a PAGEDEF, the page definition pd1 has defined an object with an external name of PSEGxyz, of object type PSEG. The object has an internal name of xyzintname. The internal name identifies the object for the PRINTLINE OBJECT subcommand when the object is placed.

Example of PPFA Support for IOB in a PAGEDEF

     PAGEDEF pd1 Replace Yes
       COMMENT ‘this is my program’;

       OBJECT xzZIntName
         OBXNAME PSEGxyz
         OBTYPE  PSEG ;

       PAGEFORMAT pf1;
           OBJECT xyzintname -1.1 in 2.1 in
             OBSIZE 3 in  5 in
             OBMAP FILL
             OBCOLOR BLUE ;

The PRINTLINE in PAGEFORMATpf1 places the object on the page 1.1 inches to the left and 2.1 inches below the current printline position. It also maps the object into the object area with the FILL parameter, which centers the object in the object area and totally fills the area, possibly with different scaling factors in the X and Y directions. It has an area size of 3 by 5 inches, and overrides the default presentation space color to BLUE.