Duplex Printing in Portrait and Landscape Presentations

Duplex printing with PPFA and your print server printers offers several other options. This example shows the combination of portrait and landscape presentations with normal and tumble duplex printing.

Note: The terms normal, tumble, portrait, and landscape are used in this example. They are explained in this chapter and in the Glossary.

NORMAL and TUMBLE are parameters of a DUPLEX subcommand. For example, a form definition specifying DUPLEX NORMAL could be written this way:

            DUPLEX NORMAL ;
             COPIES 1 ;

Document A in Figure DUPLEX NORMAL: Portrait and Landscape Presentation shows the result of a DUPLEX NORMAL specification in the portrait presentation. Document D shows the result of the same form definition when a landscape presentation is specified. The printout in landscape presentation is really in a tumble-duplex format, having the tops (of the front side) and the bottoms (of the back side) of the logical pages toward the same edge of the sheet.

Although tumble duplex can be specified in this manner for landscape pages, another parameter, RTUMBLE (rotated tumble), exists to make the form definition look more sensible for use in landscape print jobs. It also produces the results shown in Figure DUPLEX NORMAL: Portrait and La