Selecting a Page Format
Conditional processing can be used to select an active page format. Selecting the page format does not change the basic rules for processing a page format:
- PRINTLINE commands are processed sequentially unless skip-to-channel or spacing commands are used.
- When the end of the page format is reached, processing returns to the first PRINTLINE command in the same page format. Processing does not continue with the next page format (if any) in the page definition.
However, conditional processing does involve some additional considerations:
- Subpages
A page format consists of one or more subpages. A subpage is defined by a group of PRINTLINE commands followed by an ENDSUBPAGE command. If an ENDSUBPAGE command is not defined, then the entire page format is one subpage. See Subpage Description and Processing for more information.
- Record reprocessing
Record reprocessing is used when input records are processed according to one set of copy-group and page-format specifications, and then new specifications are invoked for the same input records. See Record Reprocessing Description and Processing for more information.
As described in Using Page Definition Commands for Traditional Line Data, a page definition is a set of controls for formatting line-data for printing on a logical page. A page definition can contain one or more page formats as shown in the following diagram.