Enhanced N_UP Example 1: Using PLACE
Enhanced N_UP Example 1: Using PLACE

Form Definition for Enhanced N_UP Example 1
FORMDEF BOOKLT DUPLEX NORMAL N_UP 2 /* Page 1 */ PLACE 2 FRONT /* page 2 */ PLACE 1 BACK /* Page 3 */ PLACE 2 BACK /* Page 4 */ PLACE 1 FRONT ;
The previous figure shows the function of the PLACE subcommand in specifying the sequence of partitions into which pages are placed. This example is N_UP 2 duplex. The default partition sequence is from left to right. Notice that when printing in normal duplex, partition 1 on the back of the sheet aligns with partition 2 on the front of the sheet. See Figure Basic N_UP Example 2: Normal Duplex and Figure Basic N_UP 2 Example 3: Tumble Duplex for information on N_UP duplex partitions.
For this booklet, you do not want to print pages in the default order: partitions 1 and 2 on the front, followed by partitions 1 and 2 on the back. Instead, print the pages so that when the sheet is folded, you have a booklet, with page 1 on the front outside of the booklet, pages 2 and 3 inside the folded booklet, and page 4 on the back outside of the booklet. The form definition shown in the figure on the previous page uses the PLACE subcommand of enhanced N_UP to place pages in the partitions in the order needed to accomplish this. The application writes the pages in order, page 1 through page 4, and the N_UP form definition provides the correct sequencing in the partitions.