
The following examples can be run on a machine with Transform Feature and InfoPrint Manager installed.
  1. Use the -o flag to specify the output file name:
    afp2pdf -o sample.pdf example.afp
    In this example, the -o flag indicates that the output will be generated in the current directory using the output file name sample.pdf.
  2. To specify a custom form definition, use the -pragma fdef flag:
    afp2pdf -pragma fdef="C:\myfdef\reslib\myformdef.fde" -o sample.pdf
    In this example, the-pragma fdef flag is assigned the full path to a form definition file named myformdef.fde, which will be used to process the example.afp input file.
  3. To specify the rotation value used to control text alignment with page orientation, use the -pragma aligntext flag:
    afp2pdf -pragma aligntext=180 example.afp
    This example aligns the text with a paper orientation that is rotated 180 degrees in an example.pdf output file.
  4. Use the -C flag to specify the path and name of a configuration file:
    afp2pdf -C mycustom.cfg -o sample.pdf examp