Configuring Pull Print Actual Destinations

To set an AIX, CUPS, Passthrough, or PSF Other actual destination as a Pull Print actual destination, you must set the pull-print-printer attribute to true. You cannot set the pull-print-printer attribute to true unless:

  • The logical-destinations-assigned attribute is set to the logical destination through which submissions to this actual destination are made.
  • The printer-tcpip-internet-address attribute is set to the address of one of the supported printers. This should be the same printer identified in the printer-command or the device-name attributes.
    Note: Setting the printer-tcpip-internet-address attribute turns on the SNMP monitoring for the actual destination. If you do not want to use the SNMP function, then set the use-snmp attribute to false.
  • The force-destination-setup attribute is set to false.

When an actual destination is identified as a Pull Print printer, jobs that have the authentic