Command output: headings and style

Some commands let you specify whether you want the output displayed in line style, column style, or document column style, and whether you want the output displayed with or without headings. Document column (doccol) style is a variant of column style used only for jobs. It is like column style except that the attributes for the first document in the job are displayed on the same line as the job attributes, rather than on a separate line as in column style.

These examples show the same information (the current-job-state and destination-name-requested attributes for a job, plus the document-format and copy-count attributes for the first document in the job) in the six possible combinations of headings and style:

  • Line style, with headings:
    jw-srv:0524600000: current-job-state          = held
    jw-srv:0524600000: destination-name-requested = jw-lp1
    jw-srv:0524600000.1: document-format          = ascii
    jw-srv:0524600000.1: copy-count               = 1
  • Line style, without headings:
    current-job-state          = held
    destination-name-requested = jw-lp1
    document-format            = ascii
    copy-count                 = 1
  • Column style, with headings:
    Current    Destination	
    State      Requested
    -------    -----------
    held       jw-lp1
    Format  Copies
    ------  ------
    ascii   1
  • Column style, without headings:
    held  jw-lp1
    ascii  1
  • Document column style, with headings:
    Current  Destination
    State    Requested    Format  Copies
    -------  -----------  ------  ------
    held     jw-lp1       ascii   1
  • Document column style, without headings:
    held  jw-lp1  ascii  1