Defining a logical output management system

Use this procedure to define a logical output management system (LOMS) for SAP R/3:

  1. From the SAP R/3 graphical user interface, complete the logical output management system definitions by specifying the spad transaction.
  2. From the Spool Administration: Initial Screen window, click Extended admin and click Logical OMS from the Output management systems pane to obtain a list of the logical output management systems (LOMS) available on your installation.
  3. From the Spool Administration: List of Logical Output Management Systems window, select the IPM001 LOMS and click Choose (checkmark with a clock).
  4. From the Spool Administration: Logical Output Management (Display) window, click Change (red pencil).
  5. From the Spool Administration: Logical Output Management (Change) window on the SAP Configuration tab:
    • Select a value from the pulldown list of all SAP application servers for both the Tasking target field and the Callback target field in the format: hostname_systemname_instanceID, such as sap12_MBS_00.

      The Tasking target field, specifies where the commands are invoked, while the Callback target fi