Installing InfoPrint fonts for printing with the SAP transform
The InfoPrint Font Collection consists of character sets and Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) code pages that let you print standard documents using familiar typefaces such as Helvetica, Times New Roman, and Courier. The code pages allow you to print in more than 50 languages. To support certain applications or low-resolution AFP/Intelligent Print Data Stream (IPDS) printers that use raster fonts, the InfoPrint Font Collection also includes AFP raster fonts. AFP outline fonts, which are delivered as part of the InfoPrint Font Collection, can be substituted for raster fonts in certain situations to enable higher resolution output. In addition, the InfoPrint Font Collection provides WorldType fonts, which are TrueType/OpenType fonts that deliver the greatest flexibility for designing documents with exactly the appearance you want.
You can obtain these resources by ordering the AFP Asian Classic TrueType Collection and OpenType and the InfoPrint Font Collection, Version 3.6.0, from your sales representative. For your convenience, the InfoPrint Font Collection and AFP Asian Classic TrueType Collection and OpenType are shipped with InfoPrint Manager for AIX, InfoPrint Manager for Linux, and InfoPrint Manager for Windows:
- InfoPrint Font Collection: AFP Outline Fonts, LCD4-5683 (DVD). This DVD includes AFP Outline fonts, CID fonts, and Type1 fonts.
- InfoPrint Font Collection: AFP Classic Fonts, LCD2-20029 (DVD). This DVD includes AFP Classic with Courier, Helvetica and Times New Roman typefaces in a True-Type/OpenType font format fonts.
- InfoPrint Font Collection: WorldType Fonts, LCD4-5684-06 (DVD). This DVD includes TrueType/OpenType fonts.
- Infoprint Font Collection: AFP Raster Fonts, LCD4-5700-02 (DVD). This DVD includes AFP Raster fonts.