Starting the SAP callback process on Windows

Each SAP R/3 system using the InfoPrint Manager callback support needs to have one callback process running. To start the SAP callback process on an InfoPrint Manager Windows server, you must access the SAP Callback Processes from the InfoPrint Manager Management Console.

The SAP Callback Processes object is only visible if you have installed the optional InfoPrint Manager: SAP Print Feature, LCD4-5646.

  1. Verify that you can ping the SAP server by host name:
    1. From a either a Command or a Command Prompt window, specify ping hostname, where hostname is the unqualified name for the SAP server, such as sapsrv.
    2. If you cannot ping the SAP server by host name, edit the hosts file in the C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc folder and add both the host name and the IP address of the SAP server (for example, sapsrv).
  2. From the Start menu, select ProgramsInfoPrint ManagerManagement Console.
  3. Right-click SAP Callback Processes in the Objects view in the left pane of this window and click New.
  4. Specify the values that you g