Specifies locations and values that are required to uniquely identify the beginning
of a group and the locations and values of data fields that are used to define indexes.
These data fields are referred to as triggers
because their presence in the file triggers a processing action. You must specify
at least one TRIGGERn parameter and you can specify a maximum of eight parameters. When you are adding
a trigger parameter, use the next available number, beginning with 1
- TRIGGERn={record | *}{,column | * |startColumn:endColumn}{,'triggervalue' | X'triggervalue'}|,{REGEX=‘regular expression’| REGEX=X‘regular expression’}[,(TYPE=type)]
- The values are:
- n
- Specifies the trigger parameter identifier.
- record | *
- Specifies the input record where ACIF locates the trigger value. You must specify an asterisk value (*) for TRIGGER1, record range triggers, and float triggers so that ACIF searches every input record for the trigger value. For other group triggers, the input record is relative to the record that contains the TRIGGER1 value. The supported range of record numbers is 0 - 255.
- column | * | startColumn:endColumn