Identifying the location of resource libraries

You have an input file and you want to use specific resources during processing. You want to use a form definition (FORMD1A) and an overlay that are stored in the general resource library at your location (SYS1.PSEGLIB, /usr/site/resdir, or \directory\site\resdir, where directory is the installation directory). To be sure that ACIF finds the resources you want to use, enter these parameters for your operating system:

acif inputdd=INFILE outputdd=OUTFILE \
pagedef=PAGED6B formdef=FORMD1A \
userlib=/usr/mystuff/art1:/usr/mystuff/art2 \
pdeflib=/usr/dept/pdefdir3 reslib=/usr/site/resdir
  1. The backslash (\) tells AIX to continue reading the command from the next line.
  2. You must use a colon (:) to separate multiple paths.
acif inputdd=INFILE outputdd=OUTFILE pagedef=PAGED6B formdef=FORMD1A
pdeflib=\directory\dept\pdefdir3 reslib=\directory\site\resdir
  1. The command parameters must be on one continuous line.
  2. You must use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple paths.

The page definition that you want to use (PAGED6B) is stored in one of the several page definition libraries that are used by your department (USER.PDEFDIR3, /usr/dept/pdefdir3, or \install_directory\dept\pdefdir3). The page definition is a copy of one with the same file name that is stored in the site’s general resource library, with some modifications made for use by your department.

Your page segments are stored in two other libraries that you set up for your own use (USER.ART1, /usr/mystuff/art1, or \install_directory\mystuff\art1 and USER.ART2, /usr/mystuff/art2, or \install_directory\mystuff\art2).

Because ACIF always searches the path that is specified by the USERLIB parameter first, your page segments are found in your personal libraries. ACIF next searches the paths that are specified by the parameters for specific resource libraries (PDEFLIB, FDEFLIB, and so forth), so ACIF then finds the page definition that you want to use from the department’s library. ACIF then searches the path that is specified with the RESLIB parameter, finding your form definition and your overlay. See Selecting resources for a complete list of the search order for AFP resources.

ACIF does not use the page definition that is named PAGED6B that is stored in USER.RESDIR, /usr/site/resdir, or \install_directory\site\resdir, because it already finds the modified PAGED6B in the department library that is specified with the PDEFLIB parameter.