Linux virtual memory
The amount of memory that an InfoPrint Manager server instance can use is determined by various factors, such as ulimit -v (total virtual memory) and ulimit -d (data segment size).
A process's memory allotment, the actual amount of virtual memory that can be used,
is defined by the ulimit -v (total virtual memory) value. A machine-wide ulimit -v setting is defined in the /etc/security/limits.conf
file. The ulimit -v value can be changed either machine-wide by changing the /etc/security/limits.conf
file or or by using the ulimit -v command for a specific process. Sufficient authorization is required to change the
ulimit. The ulimit -d setting affects a part of the virtual memory (data segment size) of the InfoPrint Manager server. This is usually unlimited by default.
Unlimited values for these settings leaves the maximum memory a process can obtain from the operating system.
To make sure changes to ulimit parameters persist, record the changes in: /etc/security/limits.conf