Starting the SAP callback daemon using the Management Interface application

  1. From the Linux command line, verify that you can ping the SAP server by host name:
    ping -c3 hostname

    where hostname is the unqualified name for the SAP server, such as sapsrv.

    If you cannot ping the SAP server by the host name, edit the /etc/hosts file and add the host name and the IP address of the SAP server (for example, sapsrv).

  2. Start the SAP callback daemon using the Management Interface from Applications->InfoPrintManager->Management Interface->SAP Callback Daemons. Right-click New.

    Enter the appropriate SAP System and user information for the SAP Callback daemon:

    • System Name: The three character SAP system name
    • Host Name: The SAP HostName
    • Instance ID: The two digit SAP Instance ID
    • User: The SAP CPIC (System) User
    • Client: The three digit SAP Client
    • Password: The User password
    • Language: The Language the SAP Callback daemon will run
    • Startup Options: Start Now

    If you receive any message, the daemon has not started correctly. To solve the problem, refer any messages displayed in either the message column or by selecting the Server Log object from the left pane of the InfoPrint Manager Management Interface to access the Server Log view. Correct the problems cited, and try to start the callback daemon again. If it still does not start correctly, contact your service representative.

    Note: The Host Name Resolution must be enabled and functional for the sapcbd daemon to communicate correctly with the SAP systems.