Defining an SAP user for the OMS callback daemon or process

Because the OMS callback daemon must logon to the SAP system and its external management interface (XMI) to make RFC requests, you must define a user for it. You will need this user information when Starting the SAP callback daemon or process.

The user should be a CPIC (or System) type and requires XOMI permissions to log into the CCMS system management XOM application programming interface. These authorizations can be provided in the S_XMI_XOM_A profile.

This profile has the S_RFC and S_XMI_PROD authorization objects. To make the profile compatible with the SAP NWRFC protocols, add these values for the authorization object : S_RFC.

  • ACTVT : 16
Note: If you ever change or modify this SAP user, remember to make the changes where the SAP callback daemon is running:
  • If on InfoPrint Manager for AIX, edit the rc.iprsap.daemon file in the /etc directory.
  • If on InfoPrint Manager for Linux, edit the rc.iprsap file in the /etc directory. Also, you can use the Management Interface (IPMMI) to left-click SAP Callback Processes from the Objects view, which lets you access the SAP Callback Processes in the main view. From the main view, you can right-click and select Open.
  • If on InfoPrint Manager for Windows, use the InfoPrint Manager Management Console to left-click SAP Callback Processes from the Objects view, which lets you access the SAP Callback Processes in the main view. From the main view, you can right-click and select Open.