feps.cfg file

The feps.cfg file contains various internal parameters for the transform server.

On AIX and Linux operating systems, the feps.cfg file is located at /opt/infoprint/itm/hn/cfg/feps.cfg.

On Windows operating systems, the feps.cfg file is located at install_dir\itm\hn\cfg\feps.cfg.

Updating the feps.cfg file

You can only update one field in the feps.cfg file: sw_keys_notify_days.

If the maintenance license for this product will expire in less than the number of days specified in the sw_keys_notify_days, a warning notification is issued for each job.

  • The sw_keys_notify_days is the only field that you can update in the feps.cfg file. Do not modify any other fields in this configuration file unless you are told to make changes by Ricoh support.