DRAWGRAPHIC ELLIPSE Command (Record Format and XML)
DRAWGRAPHIC ELLIPSE [POSITION LPOS [[(+) |(–)] horiz {IN | MM | CM | POINTS | PELS}] NEXT [{LPOS | CPOS} [(+) | (–)] vert {IN | MM | CM | POINTS | PELS}]] AXIS1 [(+) | (–)] n [IN | MM | CM | POINTS | PELS] [(+) | (–)] n [IN | MM | CM | POINTS | PELS] AXIS2 [(+) | (–)] n [IN | MM | CM | POINTS | PELS] [(+) | (–)] n [IN | MM | CM | POINTS | PELS] [LINEWT [MEDIUM | LIGHT | BOLD | n]] [LINETYPE [SOLID | DOTTED | SHORTDASH | DASHDOT | DBLDOT | LONGDASH | DSHDBLDOT] [COLOR colorname]] [FILL [SOLID | NOFILL | DOT01 | DOT02 | DOT03 | DOT04 | DOT05 | DOT06 | DOT07 | DOT08 | VERTLN | HORZLN | BLTR1 | BLTR2 | TLBR1 | TLBR2] [COLOR colorname]]… [RENDER {PERCEPTUAL | SATURATION | RELCM | ABSCM}] [CMR cmrlname {AUDIT | INSTR | LINK}]… ;
The DRAWGRAPHIC ELLIPSE command allows you to draw ellipses on the page by generating GOCA (Graphics Object Content Architecture) structure fields. You can create an ellipse with a number of positions showing the major and minor axes at a specified distance from the last line printed.
Note: GOCA lines require specific microcode in your printer.
DRAWGRAPHIC ELLIPSE can be used with the COLOR parameter and DEFINE COLOR to shade an ellipse with a percentage of black or other colors.