Normal Duplex and Tumble Duplex

Some page printers can print on both sides of a sheet, which is called duplex printing. Duplex printing can be done in four ways:

  • Normal duplex
  • Tumble duplex
  • Rotated normal duplex
  • Rotated tumble duplex

In normal duplex, both sides have the same orientation, as in most books. In tumble duplex, the back of each page is upside down with respect to the front of the page: the top of one side of the sheet is at the same edge as the bottom of the other side. These two types of duplex allow you to specify top binding or side binding of the printed pages.

Duplex also involves the commands RNORMAL (rotated normal) and RTUMBLE (rotated tumble), which are used with landscape-presentation pages to specify the type of duplex printing. See figureDUPLEX NORMAL: Portrait and Landscape Presentation and Result When Either TUMBLE or RNORMAL Is Specified for illustrations of duplex printing.