Introducing the Pull Print Feature
InfoPrint ManagerPull Print Feature is an advanced method of printing which works with your existing InfoPrint Manager server to increase control and confidentiality in your printing environment. This feature schedules the jobs to print only when you, as the authenticated owner, pull them on the device. So, it works in contrast with the conventional printing process of pushing jobs. There is no submission binding of the printing job to a certain printer, the printing document follows you across your enterprise to be printed on the next available printer. You can use this to reduce unwanted print, and therefore, save money. You can further save paper by turning off header sheets. By not printing the job until the owner requests it from the printer console, this feature also provides a secure printing environment.
Key benefits of using the Pull Print Feature
- Flexibility in setting up the printing environment
- Control over print jobs
- Increased confidentiality and data protection
- Advocates for user responsibility
- Provides a reliable printing experience
- Reduces unwanted printing and operating costs
How the Pull Print Feature works
With the components installed and configured, you can easily turn an InfoPrint Manager actual destination for a supported printer into a Pull Print actual destination. Pull Print actual destinations do not schedule authenticated jobs to print until the owner logs on to the printer and requests them. You can also create Anyplace queues that serve as shared print queues for authenticated jobs.
When you use InfoPrint Manager, you have access to these functions:
- initiate printing by using one of the supported InfoPrint Manager clients
- jobs are not scheduled to output until you trigger the printing
- only authenticated LDAP users are allowed to operate on the job
- while being physically present in front of the printer, you can modify, print, retain or delete your own jobs
- reprint retained jobs as if they were residing in an Anyplace queue
- save paper by turning off unnecessary header sheets
- handle confidential printing without worrying about security issues
How Pull Print works
The InfoPrint ManagerPull Print Feature can be used with various Ricoh StreamlineNX or Nuance Equitrac supported printers through a Ricoh StreamlineNX or Equitrac server. To use the Pull Print Feature through an Equitrac server, you must have Equitrac Office/Express version 4.2.6 or higher installed. To use the Pull Print Feature through a Ricoh StreamlineNX server, you must have Ricoh StreamlineNX version 3.1 installed. For more detailed information about Ricoh StreamlineNX or Nuance Equitrac, consult the Ricoh StreamlineNX or Nuance Equitrac documentation.
Secure Print using the Pull Print Feature
InfoPrint Manager clients
To use the InfoPrint ManagerPull Print Feature, you must have an InfoPrint Manager client able to send the information on which user can release the job installed on your computer. The InfoPrint Manager clients that can do this are:
- InfoPrint Select for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS
- The Linux Command-Line Client
- The Mac OS Command-Line Client
- InfoPrint Manager SAP Client
- MVS Download lprafp
- Web Interface when running in LDAP mode
InfoPrint ManagerPull Print Feature can identify Anyplace jobs from Anyplace queues of additional secondary InfoPrint Manager systems and can also transfer and print the selected jobs between different InfoPrint Manager systems. Authenticated LDAP users (at one of the supported printers being driven by an actual destination in one InfoPrint Manager system) can locate the Anyplace job that they submitted to a logical destination associated with a Anyplace queue in a different InfoPrint Manager system.
- Note:
- For information about installing and configuring the LDAP support for InfoPrint Manager Select client, for InfoPrint Manager Linux Command-Line Client, for InfoPrint Manager SAP Client, and for InfoPrint Manager Mac OS Command-Line Client, see the appropriate RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Getting Started for your operating system and RICOH InfoPrint Manager: SAP R/3 Planning and Configuring Guide.
- For information about the Pull Print Feature specific attributes, see RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Reference.