Managing InfoPrint Manager Security for the Pull Print Feature
The operations taken to display, release, and delete jobs to print are carried out by the wsClient@|nfoPrintManager user on behalf of the user at the printer console. This user must be a member of the WebServices group. The InfoPrint Management installer automatically creates the WebServices group and assigns the default FST ACL permissions for the wsClient@|nfoPrintManager user.
Spool management
If the Pull Print and the Anyplace Print jobs have not been printed in a defined time frame (the default time period is 24 hours), these jobs are discarded. You can change the default time period for discarding the jobs by using the pull-print-job-timeout server attribute. When the jobs are discarded, a notification message is sent if past-discard-time notifications are requested. This notification event is a default job notification.
To change the default time out interval:
- Open the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI.
- Go to the Server -> Properties.
- In the General tab, click Show more.
- Set the Pull Print Job timeout to the interval you need.
Since Pull Print and Anyplace Print jobs are held until the owner requests them at the printer or they are deleted when the time period elapses, you could see more jobs than before in your InfoPrint Manager server. You can control this build-up of jobs with the value you specify on the pull-print-job-timeout server attribute, but you might require extra spooling space. If you are using multiple InfoPrint Manager servers, you must remember that the print files are not necessarily stored on the computer where the job resides. They are stored on the computer where the command processor of the InfoPrint Manager server that the job submitter is using resides. In most distributed systems, separate InfoPrint Manager servers are configured to behave just as command processors, which means they contain no logical destination queues or actual destinations. They just service job submission clients and graphical user interfaces.
Accounting considerations
The additional-accounting-log-attributes actual destinations or server attribute contains the additional job and document attributes that you define to record in the accounting log of each actual destination for each job printed. If you plan to use the authenticated-login attribute for accounting purposes, use the server or actual destination additional-accounting-log-attributes attribute to add the authenticated-login information to the server accounting logs. For more information, see the appropriate RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Procedures publication for your operating system.