InfoPrint Manager administrative utilities

This section describes these InfoPrint Manager administrative utilities:

Utility Name AIX Linux Windows
afpsplit utility: extracts pages from a MO:DCA-P file AIX Linux Windows
ainupod1 utility: generates accounting information by user AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainupod2 utility: generates accounting information by job AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainupod3 utility: generates accounting information for a user AIX Linux Windowsv: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainurpt1 utility: generates accounting information by actual destination AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainurpt2 utility: generates accounting information by user AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainurpt3 utility: generates accounting information for a user AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainurpt4 utility: generates audit information by destination AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainurpt5 utility: generates audit information by user AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainurpt6 utility: generates audit information for a user AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainurpt7 utility: generates job-completion information for a destination AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainurpt8 utility: generates post-print accounting data by job submittor AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
ainurpt9 utility: generates detailed entries of times and pages printed AIX Linux Windows: must be issued from the install_path\bin directory
allocatefs utility: allocates drives for InfoPrint Manager for AIX file systems AIX N/A N/A utility: allocates drives for InfoPrint Manager for Linux file systems N/A Linux N/A
cfu utility: displays and builds coded fonts in InfoPrint Manager for AIX InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux N/A
cmt utility: builds color mapping table source and object files AIX Linux Windows utility: starts the InfoPrint Manager Installer for Linux N/A Linux N/A
ipguiadv and ipguibasic utilities: start the InfoPrint Manager Operations GUI with InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux Windows: use icou only
ipguiadvadm and ipguibasicadm utilities: start the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI for InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux Windows: use icou only
ismu utility: backs up and restores InfoPrint Manager objects AIX Linux Windows
notificationClient AIX Linux Windows
pdcrdflt utility: creates default auxiliary sheets, media, and queue in InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux N/A
pdcrmed utility: creates commonly used media AIX Linux Windows
pdinitports utility: initializes ports in InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux N/A
pdmigpp utility: migrates existing AIX printers to InfoPrint Manager for AIX AIX N/A N/A
pdmincfg utility: sets up a minimum InfoPrint Manager configuration in InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux N/A
pdmsg utility: displays information about a message in InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux N/A
pdwsinitports utility: initialize or change the ports used by the InfoPrint Manager Web Server AIX Linux Windows
rc.iprsap utility: start SAP daemons on InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux N/A
rc.pd utility: restarts servers in InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux N/A
setup utility: starts the InfoPrint Manager Installer for AIX AIX N/A N/A
startppo utility: starts the InfoPrint SMIT operator's interface in InfoPrint Manager for AIX AIX N/A N/A
start_server utility: starts a server for a Basic InfoPrint Manager Installation in InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux N/A
startsrv utility: starts a server in InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux N/A
stop_server utility: shuts down a server in InfoPrint Manager for AIX or InfoPrint Manager for Linux AIX Linux