Initially settable, resettable attributes, and non-settable

InfoPrint attributes fall into three categories:

Initially settable
For some attributes, you can set a value when you create the object with the pdcreate or the pdpr command. You cannot change these attributes afterwards.

For example, this command:

pdpr -x "job-originator='Anne Brown'" -d Sevv1-ld bigbook
creates a job containing a file called bigbook and identifies the person who submitted the job by name. The attribute job-originator is initially settable and you cannot change it.

For some attributes, you can set or modify the value using the pdmod command (for jobs and documents) or the pdset command (for all objects, including jobs and documents), after you create the object.

For example, this command:

pdmod -x "job-end-message='Please call 5-9999 for pickup'" 37
sets a new value for the job-end-message attribute for the existing job whose local ID is 37.

You cannot set a value for some attributes at any time.

For example, in this command:

pdcreate -c queue Serv1:Queue3
InfoPrint uses the command arguments to assign the queue attribute queue-name the value Queue3, and the associated-server attribute the value Serv1. You cannot set different values for these arguments using the -x flag of the pdcreate command and you cannot change them later.