Use of the * (asterisk) wildcard character
Some of the xxx-ready and xxx-supported actual destination attributes with which you can specify general text strings as values allow the use of the * (asterisk) wildcard character. When the * (asterisk) wildcard character is specified, any value of the xxx attribute is accepted in the validation and scheduling of a job. For example, if you specify job-batches-ready=* for an actual destination, a job with any value specified in the job-batch attribute is accepted and possibly scheduled for that actual destination.
These xxx-ready and xxx-supported actual destination attributes allow the use of the * (asterisk) wildcard character:
- classes-ready
- forms-ready
- job-batches-ready
- media-ready
- end-sheets-supported
- input-trays-supported
- media-supported
- output-bins-supported
- separator-sheets-supported
- start-sheets-supported