Connecting a new format to a device type

To use the format you created, you must connect the format to a device type by doing these steps:

  1. From the R/3 main menu, access the Spool Administration window by selecting the Tools main menu and then selecting the Tools → Administration → Spool → Spool Administration path. or typing /nSPAD in the ok-Code field.
  2. From the Spool Administration: Initial Screen window, select the Device formats option and click Change.
  3. From the Spool Administration: Choose Format for Device Type window, specify the Device Type (link to creating custom device types) and your customized Format name (in this case, Z_65_255_DOC or ZLETDOC) in the appropriate fields.
    Note: All ABAP customized user Formats follow the naming convention of Z_number-of-rows_number-of-columns_descriptive-text.
  4. Click Execute.
  5. From the Maintain Format for Device Type window, the blank left column indicates that the customized format has not yet been initialized.
  6. Click Copy format.
  7. From the Spool Administration: Copy Format window, you can see that the system has filled in the information from the Maintain Format for Device Type window.
  8. Press the Copy from button to initialize your new Format.
  9. Click the back icon (the left-pointing arrow) and the system prompts you to save the new format.
  10. Access the configuration file that is located in the /usr/lpp/psf/sap2afp directory on an InfoPrint Manager AIX or InfoPrint Manager Linux server and the install_path\sap2afp folder on an InfoPrint Manager Windows server.
  11. In the configuration file, create a new entry for the format that you just created. If you are printing landscape, specify F1C10011 as the form definition value.
    Note: All fields must be specified in However, for OTF printing, only the form definition value is used, while ABAP printing uses all values.
  12. Exit and save the configuration file.