Defining SAP devices to send jobs to InfoPrint Manager
This section describes how to create a new output device for printing to InfoPrint Manager. To enable this support, an SAP R/3 administrator must do this procedure from the SAP R/3 graphical user interface:
- Make sure that you have a logical destination defined in InfoPrint Manager, which will send jobs to your physical printer device.
- From the R/3 main menu, access the Spool Administration
window by clicking the Tools main menu and then selecting the Tools → Administration → Spool → Spool Administration path. or
in the ok-Code field. - From the Spool Administration window, select the Output devices option and click Change
- Click Create and fill in this information about
the Create Output Device window:
Devices that use the InfoPrint Manager OMS
Field Explanation Example value Output device Type the name that R/3 users will need to access the printer. PRT1
Device type Select the device type that has been defined in the R/3 system for the printer model. POSTSCPT applies to any PostScript printer, while HPLJ4 applies to a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 4 printer. SAPGOF sends both OTF and ABAP data to be transformed into AFP by the InfoPrint Manager SAP Transform. POSTSCPT
Spool server Select the name of the R/3 application server which will be the SAP R/3 spool server (spool work process) that processes requests for this device. us01d2_P40_41
Host printer Type the name of the InfoPrint Manager logical printer. prt1-lp
Device class Enter a space so that this field accepts the default value of printer, which is P. Access method in host spool Select the method that the spool work process uses to pass data to the host spool system. L
- From the menu bar, click Back and the system will
prompt you to save the new output device.Note: If your logical destination does not receive a job sent from your SAP device, delete and recreate the SAP callback daemon with the same settings on the InfoPrint Manager server.