SAP systems view

The Sap systems view is displayed when you select the SAP object in the left pane of the InfoPrint Manager Web Management Interface.

The SAP object in the left pane is only visible if the SAP feature is installed on the InfoPrint Manager system. Make sure that at least one SAP callback daemon is correctly defined.

To see and customize the default settings for a new SAP printer, click , the Customize icon, at the top left of the screen.

  • These values will be used as the Default value at printer creation in the InfoPrint Manager Web Administration Interface.

To update the SAP system information, click , the Reload icon at the top right of the screen.

The SAP systems view contains three tabs:

Specifies the long name of the printer in the SAP system.
Short Name
Specifies the short name of the printer in the SAP system.
Logical OMS
Specifies the Logical Output Management System (LOMS) associated with the SAP printer.
Device Type
Specifies the name of the device type defined in the SAP system.
Specifies the name of the target printer in the InfoPrint Manager system.
Provides more detailed messages about the SAP printer.
Logical OMS
Specifies the name of the selected Logical Output Management System (LOMS).
Real OMS
Specifies the name of the Real Output Management System (ROMS) associated to the selected LOMS.
Specifies an optional description for the Logical OMS.
Real OMS
Specifies the name of the selected Real Output Management System (ROMS). The default ROMS created by InfoPrint Manager during the SAP client installation is IBM IPM.
Reconfiguration Timeout
Specifies the time interval between reconnection attempts. The value is in seconds.
Specifies an optional description for the Logical OMS.

For information about creating, deleting, or editing SAP printers and about editing OMSs, see the procedures in the InfoPrint Manager Web Management Interface help.