The asciinp input-record exit program transforms an ASCII data stream into a record format that contains a carriage control character in byte 0 of every record. If byte 0 of the input record is an ASCII carriage return (X'0D'), byte 0 is transformed into an ASCII space (X'20') that causes a data stream to return and advance one line; no character is inserted. If byte 0 of the input record is an ASCII form feed character (X'0C'), byte 0 is transformed into an ANSI skip to channel 1 command (X'31') that serves as a form feed in the carriage-control byte.
To execute the asciinp input record exit program, set these keywords in your line-data transform keyword file. The line2afp parmdd keyword identifies the keyword file:
inpexit=install_path\bin\asciinp.dll cc=yes cctype=z