Installing the Windows Terminal Server client
For Windows Server:
- Log on to the system that your InfoPrint Manager server is installed on.
- On Windows Server, click Start → Programs → Administrative Tools → Terminal Services Client Creator.
- Select Terminal Services for Windows and check the Format disk(s) check box. Click OK.
- Follow the instructions in the pop-up dialogs to create your Terminal Services Client
installation disks.
Note: Save these disks. You will need them if you ever need to uninstall the client.
- Close the dialog once the disks are created.
- Log on to the machine that you want to install the Terminal Services Client on.
- Insert the first Terminal Services Client installation disk in the drive.
- Navigate to that disk drive and double click Setup.exe to start the Terminal Server/Services Client Setup wizard.
- Follow the instructions in the wizard to install the client.
When you finish the wizard, Terminal Server/Services Client will be added to your Start menu.
- Start the client by selecting Start → Programs → Terminal Services Client → Terminal Services Client.
- Find the name of the server that your InfoPrint Manager server is installed on and connect to it.
Once you are connected, you can open the Management Console and use it just as you would on the server system itself.