Activating the user-exit program
To perform this task from the command line, click the Windows Start button and select Programs → Command Prompt and complete these steps:
- Enter this command:
pdls -c aux -r all servername:
, where servername refers to the name of the server you are using.This command displays the attributes for all current auxiliary sheet objects available on the server. You can also view attributes for a specific auxiliary sheet object. For example, to view attributes for the accounting log, enter this command:
pdls -c aux -r all servername:accounting-log
- Use the pdset command to change the values of any of the auxiliary sheet objects, as necessary.
From the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI, you must select the printer that you want to associate with an auxiliary sheet (in
this case, prt1
) and then use the Printer → Properties menu to access the Printer Properties notebook. To complete this task, see the online help topic Using auxiliary-sheet objects in the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI.
To do this task from the command line, complete these steps.
- To create a new auxiliary-sheet object, type:
pdcreate -c aux-sh -x psf-exit-prog-name= fullpath\exit_name server1:auxiliary_sheet_name
- Shut down the actual destination (in this case,
).pdshutdown -cp prt1
- Associate this new auxiliary-sheet object (in this case, an audit exit) with the actual
pdset -cp -x dest -x audit-exit=auxiliary_sheet_name prt1
Note: For the post-print accounting exit, instead of this step you will set the attribute in the accounting auxiliary sheet object for the actual destination, using this command:pdset —c auxiliary-sheet —x psf-post-print-accounting-program-name= fullpath\exit_name servername: accounting-log
By default, the accounting-log auxiliary sheet object is available for all destinations. This object can point to any combination of the accounting and post-print accounting exits. For example, you can set either one, both, or neither of these attributes at the same time:
psf-exit-program-name=name of accounting exit psf-post-print-accounting-program-name=name of post-print accounting exit
If you want some printers to have different accounting configurations than others, you must create a new auxiliary sheet object for each configuration. - Enable the actual destination (in this case,
).pdenable prt1